Everybody knows that we need power, stamina and wisdom to achieve success in everything that we do in our lives. It’s impossible to even think about the success if these three factors are not there. These factors i.e. power, stamina and wisdom are ruled by Venus, Mars and Jupiter respectively. But do you know that success can still be a far off thing even if these three factors are present? The reason is fate, luck. If luck is not on your side, even these three factors coming together are of not much use. Lord Krishna gave this world the philosophy of Karma and was himself a big believer in Karma. In the 18th chapter of Gita, he has explained in detail the importance of power, stamina and wisdom along with luck. In shloka 14, Krishna says:
अधिष्ठानं तथा कत्र्ताकरण् य पृथ्वीवधम्।
विविधाक्ष पृथ्वयेष्ठा दैव-दैव यैवात पंयमम्।।
Meaning that among these three supreme powers, most important is luck. And it is ruled by Lord Shani. This is why Shani is known as ‘God of fate’. Here we will know more about this supremely powerful Shani.
Shani Dev is responsible for giving results based on man’s karma. He works as an impartial judge. He holds no grudge against anybody but has no love for anyone either. People who don’t know much about all these things should simply know that Shanidev makes no differentiation while delivering justice. He punishes without any inhibition and even his rewards are unexpected- he will give more than what one would have hoped for. This is the reason that during Sadhe Sati, some people succeed so much that it bewilders even them. The feared sadhe sati makes somebody touch the pinnacle while for some others, it’s vice-versa- they come down from their much-vaunted position. This is how Shanidev functions.
Shani Mahamantra:
ॐ नीलाजंन समाभासं रवि पुत्रं यमाग्रजम्।
छाया मार्तण्ड सम्भूतं तं नमामि शनैश्चरम्।।
Among nine planets, Saturn is ranked as sewak - the service giver. Shani is also known as ‘Sorrow of Kalpurush’. No one in this universe can escape him, better to say there is no one on this earth who does not fear him. We get to know about the upcoming happiness by looking at Venus’s position in the birth chart, and to know about the difficulties, the distress, position of Shani tells us everything. He lives for two and half years in every zodiac sign and rules west direction. In astrology, he is considered neuter. He is an air-based planet as well. Venus and Mercury are his friends among the other planets while Shani is at loggerheads with Sun, Moon and Mars. Jupiter is his Sam graha.
Shani is very slow moving. He derives his name from Sanskrit word shanaih-shanaih, which means slowly. He stays for two and half years in every zodiac sign and as we all know, there are twelve signs. Therefore, it takes thirty years for Shani to go round all these houses.
Sade Sati
With the advent of 12th Saturn from birth sign, Sadhe sati starts. This is the first stage. Shani stays here for two and half years and then changes sign. It reaches the first house of birth sign which is the second stage of sadhe sati. Again after two and half years, it changes sign which is the third and final stage and the sadhe sati ends. In other words, when Shani travels from twelfth to first and then to second house from the birth sign, it takes him about seven and half years and it is known as Sadhe sati of Shani.
Coming to twelfth house from Aries, Pisces, Aries and Taurus are said to be the first, second and third stages of sadhe sati. In this sequence, signs are counted as Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
When lord of fourth or eighth Shani comes under the birth sign comes, it is known as Laghu Kalyani or Dairuya. It is also thought of as equivalent to sadhe sati. Scholars consider Shani as harbinger of grief. It really puts you under a lot of distress initially but as with the Gold, which gets its luster after burning in fire, Shani also takes you into happier days.
It is Moon which rules our hearts. In the above mentioned positions of Shani, he directly affects our hearts. We undergo a lot of duress. Generally, it is believed that if sadhe sati comes with other planets also not in favorable positions, it gives more problems. On the other hand, if other planets are favorably placed, sadhe sati is less problematic. Moon placed in second, sixth, eighth or expenditure-related signs, Shani’s affects are more joy. Moon in seventh sign during sadhe sati is problematic as well.
In one round spanning thirty years, twelve years are dedicated to sadhe sati and dhaiya, which can never be counted as pleasant periods in life. In houses 3-6-8-12 from Moon, Shani gives good results or if it’s in trine houses it’s called benefic, and called directionally powerful if it’s in seventh house, or if it signifies tenth house, Saturn is believed to bestow the native with good results in these houses.
According to Phal Deepika’s author Mantreshwar, when shani is the birth sign, it brings loss of money and unnecessary anger, leading to diseases. Varah Mihir opines that in such a scenario, poisoning or fire accidents can be expected. Close and dear ones would leave you and you would have no choice but to wander around. Sources of income dry up and even your wife and kids would leave you alone. Life loses its direction, becomes meaningless.
Sadhe sati moves around our body differently at its different stages. Its movement is as below…
At its first stage when it is moving from Moon to twelth bhava, it is either at head or eyes.
At its second stage, when it is in the birth sign, Shani is at heart, bringing a lot of worries, tension and fears.
At its third stage, when it is in second bhava from birth sign, it moves with our legs.
Measures to get rid of sadhe sati
Reading Sundar Kand
Reading Hanuman Chalisa
Mahamrityunjaya, shani strot, shani mantra
Giving coconut and peanuts in temples
Giving away things like sesame, oil, blanket or articles made of iron
Avoid non vegetarian food
Feeding lentil to fishes
Put a ring in the middle finger made of horse’s naal or a boat’s nail.
Take a Peepal leaf. Put vermillion, sesame over it. Light a diya of mustard oil and place them under a Peepal tree before sun rise. Do the same for seven consecutive Saturdays.
Keep a square-shaped silver piece in your pocket
Give food to black dogs
Wear a silver ring in the left hand.
Give food to hungry people near a temple. If you are rich enough, give food in lieu of each family member to different people. Read Shani Chalisa as many times as you can. Give your own old clothes to poor and pray that his/her good wishes lessen your problems.
Cook things made of lentil, sesame, sugar and offer it first to Shani Dev and then to Cow, Crow and dogs. Eat it as Prasad yourself and distribute among family members as well.
Donation: Donate things which Shani likes, like Lentil, Sesame, oil, iron-made articles, salt, coins, black clothes, blanket, shoes, umbrella etc. and do it in the numerals of 8- meaning 8 kg, 8 liter etc.
To keep Shani Dev happy, let a lamp of mustard oil alighted all through the day in your house.
मंगलवार, 30 नवंबर 2010
Lal Kitab Remedies
लाल किताब का मानना है जो घर सोया (Lal Kitab Sleepy Planets) होता है उस घ्रर से सम्बन्धित फल तब तक प्राप्त नहीं होता है जबतक कि वह घर जागता नहीं है. लाल किताब में सोये हुए घरों को जगाने के लिए कई उपाय (Lal Kitab Remedies) बताए गये हैं.
जिन लोगों की कुण्डली में प्रथम भाव सोया हुआ हो उन्हें इस घर को जगाने के लिए मंगल का उपाय करना चाहिए. मंगल का उपाय करने के लिए मंगलवार का व्रत करना चाहिए. मंगलवार के दिन हनुमान जी को लडुडुओं का प्रसाद चढ़ाकर बांटना चाहिए. मूंगा धारण करने से भी प्रथम भाव जागता है.
अगर दूसरा घर सोया हुआ हो तो चन्द्रमा का उपाय शुभ फल प्रदान करता है. चन्द्र के उपाय के लिए चांदी धारण करना चाहिए. माता की सेवा करनी चाहिए एवं उनसे आशीर्वाद प्राप्त करना चाहिए. मोती धारण करने से भी लाभ मिलता है.
तीसरे घर को जगाने के लिए बुध का उपाय करना लाभ देता है. बुध के उपाय हेतु दुर्गा सप्तशती का पाठ करना चाहिए. बुधवार के दिन गाय को चारा देना चाहिए.
लाल किताब के अनुसार किसी व्यक्ति की कुण्डली में अगर चौथा घर सोया हुआ है तो चन्द्र का उपाय करना लाभदायी होता है.
पांचवें घर को जागृत करने के लिए सूर्य का उपाय करना फायदेमंद होता है. नियमित आदित्य हृदय स्तोत्र का पाठ एवं रविवार के दिन लाल भूरी चीटियों को आटा, गुड़ देने से सूर्य की कृपा प्राप्त होती है.
छठे घर को जगाने के लिए राहु का उपाय करना चाहिए. जन्मदिन से आठवां महीना शुरू होने पर पांच महीनों तक बादाम मन्दिर में चढ़ाना चाहिए, जितना बादाम मन्दिर में चढाएं उतना वापस घर में लाकर सुरक्षित रख दें. घर के दरवाजा दक्षिण में नहीं रखना चाहिए. इन उपायों से छठा घर जागता है क्योंकि यह राहु का उपाय है.
सोये हुए सातवें घर के लिए शुक्र को जगाना होता है. शुक्र को जगाने के लिए आचरण की शुद्धि सबसे आवश्यक है.
सोये हुए आठवें घर के लिए चन्द्रमा का उपाय शुभ फलदायी होता है.
जिनकी कुण्डली में नवम भाव सोया हो उनहें गुरूवार के दिन पीलावस्त्र धारण करना चाहिए. सोना धारण करना चाहिए व माथे पर हल्दी अथवा केशर का तिलक करना चाहिए. इन उपाय से गुरू प्रबल होता है और नवम भाव जागता है.
दशम भाव को जागृत करने हेतु शनिदेव का उपाय करना चाहिए.
एकादश भाव के लिए भी गुरू का उपाय लाभकारी होता है.
अगर बारहवां घ्रर सोया हुआ हो तो घर मे कुत्ता पालना चाहिए. पत्नी के भाई की सहायता करनी चाहिए. मूली रात को सिरहाने रखकर सोना चाहिए और सुबह मंदिर मे दान करना चाहिए..
जिन लोगों की कुण्डली में प्रथम भाव सोया हुआ हो उन्हें इस घर को जगाने के लिए मंगल का उपाय करना चाहिए. मंगल का उपाय करने के लिए मंगलवार का व्रत करना चाहिए. मंगलवार के दिन हनुमान जी को लडुडुओं का प्रसाद चढ़ाकर बांटना चाहिए. मूंगा धारण करने से भी प्रथम भाव जागता है.
अगर दूसरा घर सोया हुआ हो तो चन्द्रमा का उपाय शुभ फल प्रदान करता है. चन्द्र के उपाय के लिए चांदी धारण करना चाहिए. माता की सेवा करनी चाहिए एवं उनसे आशीर्वाद प्राप्त करना चाहिए. मोती धारण करने से भी लाभ मिलता है.
तीसरे घर को जगाने के लिए बुध का उपाय करना लाभ देता है. बुध के उपाय हेतु दुर्गा सप्तशती का पाठ करना चाहिए. बुधवार के दिन गाय को चारा देना चाहिए.
लाल किताब के अनुसार किसी व्यक्ति की कुण्डली में अगर चौथा घर सोया हुआ है तो चन्द्र का उपाय करना लाभदायी होता है.
पांचवें घर को जागृत करने के लिए सूर्य का उपाय करना फायदेमंद होता है. नियमित आदित्य हृदय स्तोत्र का पाठ एवं रविवार के दिन लाल भूरी चीटियों को आटा, गुड़ देने से सूर्य की कृपा प्राप्त होती है.
छठे घर को जगाने के लिए राहु का उपाय करना चाहिए. जन्मदिन से आठवां महीना शुरू होने पर पांच महीनों तक बादाम मन्दिर में चढ़ाना चाहिए, जितना बादाम मन्दिर में चढाएं उतना वापस घर में लाकर सुरक्षित रख दें. घर के दरवाजा दक्षिण में नहीं रखना चाहिए. इन उपायों से छठा घर जागता है क्योंकि यह राहु का उपाय है.
सोये हुए सातवें घर के लिए शुक्र को जगाना होता है. शुक्र को जगाने के लिए आचरण की शुद्धि सबसे आवश्यक है.
सोये हुए आठवें घर के लिए चन्द्रमा का उपाय शुभ फलदायी होता है.
जिनकी कुण्डली में नवम भाव सोया हो उनहें गुरूवार के दिन पीलावस्त्र धारण करना चाहिए. सोना धारण करना चाहिए व माथे पर हल्दी अथवा केशर का तिलक करना चाहिए. इन उपाय से गुरू प्रबल होता है और नवम भाव जागता है.
दशम भाव को जागृत करने हेतु शनिदेव का उपाय करना चाहिए.
एकादश भाव के लिए भी गुरू का उपाय लाभकारी होता है.
अगर बारहवां घ्रर सोया हुआ हो तो घर मे कुत्ता पालना चाहिए. पत्नी के भाई की सहायता करनी चाहिए. मूली रात को सिरहाने रखकर सोना चाहिए और सुबह मंदिर मे दान करना चाहिए..
शनि साढेसाती के तीन चरण

शनि साढेसाती (Shani Sade Sati) में शनि तीन राशियों पर गोचर करते है. तीन राशियों पर शनि के गोचर को साढेसाती (Shani Sade Sati) के तीन चरण के नाम से भी जाना जाता है. अलग- अलग राशियों के लिये शनि के ये तीन चरण अलग - अलग फल देते है. शनि कि साढेसाती के नाम से ही लोग भयभीत रहते है.
जिस व्यक्ति को यह मालूम हो जाये की उसकी शनि की साढेसाती चल रही है, वह सुनकर ही व्यक्ति मानसिक दबाव में आ जाता है. आने वाले समय में होने वाली घटनाओं को लेकर तरह-तरह के विचार उसके मन में आने लगते है.
शनि की साढेसाती को लेकर जिस प्रकार के भ्रम देखे जाते है. वास्तव में साढेसाती का रुप वैसा बिल्कुल नहीं है. आईये शनि के चरणों को समझने का प्रयास करते है-
साढेसाती चरण-फल विभिन्न राशियों के लिये
साढेसाती का प्रथम चरण (first step of Shani Sade Sati) - वृ्षभ, सिंह, धनु राशियों के लिये कष्टकारी होता है. द्वितीय चरण या मध्य चरण- मेष, कर्क, सिंह, वृ्श्चिक, मकर राशियों के लिये अनुकुल नहीं माना जाता है. व अन्तिम चरण- मिथुन, कर्क, तुला, वृ्श्चिक, मीन राशि के लिये कष्टकारी माना जाता है.
इसके अतिरिक्त तीनों चरणों के लिये शनि की साढेसाती निम्न रुप से प्रभाव डाल सकती है-
प्रथम चरण First Step of Shani Sade Sati
इस चरणावधि में व्यक्ति की आर्थिक स्थिति प्रभावित होती है. आय की तुलना में व्यय अधिक होते है. विचारें गये कार्य बिना बाधाओं के पूरे नहीं होते है. धन विषयों के कारण अनेक योजनाएं आरम्भ नहीं हो पाती है. अचानक से धन हानि होती है. व्यक्ति को निद्रा में कमी का रोग हो सकता है. स्वास्थय में कमी के योग भी बनते है. विदेश भ्रमण के कार्यक्रम बनकर -बिगडते रह्ते है. यह अवधि व्यक्ति की दादी के लिये विशेष कष्टकारी सिद्ध होती है. मानसिक चिन्ताओं में वृ्द्धि होना सामान्य बात हो जाती है. दांम्पय जीवन में बहुत से कठिनाई आती है. मेहनत के अनुसार लाभ नहीं मिल पाते है.
द्वितीय चरण Second Step of Shani Sade Sati
व्यक्ति को शनि साढेसाती की इस अवधि में पारिवारिक तथा व्यवसायिक जीवन में अनेक उतार-चढाव आते है. उसे संबन्धियों से भी कष्ट होते है. व्यक्ति को अपने संबन्धियों से कष्ट प्राप्त होते है. उसे लम्बी यात्राओं पर जाना पड सकता है. घर -परिवार से दूर रहना पड सकता है. व्यक्ति के रोगों में वृ्द्धि हो सकती है. संपति से संम्बन्धित मामले परेशान कर सकते है.
मित्रों का सहयोग समय पर नहीं मिल पाता है. कार्यो के बार-बार बाधित होने के कारण व्यक्ति के मन में निराशा के भाव आते है. कार्यो को पूर्ण करने के लिये सामान्य से अधिक प्रयास करने पडते है. आर्थिक परेशानियां भी बनी रह सकती है.
तीसरा चरण third Step of Shani Sade Sati
शनि साढेसाती के तीसरे चरण में व्यक्ति के भौतिक सुखों में कमी होती है. उसके अधिकारों में कमी होती है. आय की तुलना में व्यय अधिक होते है. स्वास्थय संबन्धी परेशानियां आती है. परिवार में शुभ कार्यो बाधित होकर पूरे होते है. वाद-विवाद के योग बनते है. संतान से विचारों में मतभेद उत्पन्न होते है. संक्षेप में यह अवधि व्यक्ति के लिये कल्याण कारी नहीं रह्ती है. जिस व्यक्ति की जन्म राशि पर शनि की साढेसाती का तीसरा चरण चल रहा हों, उस व्यक्ति को वाद-विवादों से बचके रहना चाहिए.
मंगलवार, 25 मई 2010
सर्वविधि विघ्नबाधा निवारण मंत्र
(सर्वविधि विघ्नबाधा निवारण मंत्र)
दुर्गा का ध्यान करके रूद्राक्ष की माला पर प्रतिदिन 108 बार निम्न मंक्त का जाप करने से विघ्न-बाधाएँ दूर होने लगती हैं-
सर्वबाधा-प्रशमनं त्रैलोकस्याखिलेश्वरि । एवमेव त्वया कार्यस्मद्ववैरिविनाशनम् ।। ॐ नमश्चंडिकायै ।।
Sarvabadha-Prashmanam Trailokyakhileshwari । Evmev Tvayaa Karyasmdvavairivinashanam ।। Om Namaschandikayai ।।
Badhanivarak Mantra(बेचैनी मिटाने का मंत्र)
इस मंत्र का बीस बार जप करके हंसवाहिनी सरस्वती का ध्यान करके रोगी के ऊपर जल के छींटे देने से अथवा मंत्रसिक्त जल पिला देने से बेचैनी दूर हो सकती है।
ॐ हंसः हंसः |
Om Hansah Hansah ।
Badhanivarak Mantra(शूल मिटाने का मंत्र)
सभी प्रकार के शूल को मिटाने हेतु महाकाली, का ध्यान करके निम्न मंत्र 108 बार बोलकर जल अभिमन्त्रत करें और रोगी को पिलायें। इससे शूल नष्ट होगा।
कालि कालि महाकालि, मनोऽस्तुत हन हन । दह दह शूलं त्रिशूलेन हुँ फट् स्वाहा ।।
Kaali Kaali Mahaakaali, Mano-astuta Han Han । Dah Dah Shoolam Trishulen Hoom Phat Swaaha ||
दुर्गा का ध्यान करके रूद्राक्ष की माला पर प्रतिदिन 108 बार निम्न मंक्त का जाप करने से विघ्न-बाधाएँ दूर होने लगती हैं-
सर्वबाधा-प्रशमनं त्रैलोकस्याखिलेश्वरि । एवमेव त्वया कार्यस्मद्ववैरिविनाशनम् ।। ॐ नमश्चंडिकायै ।।
Sarvabadha-Prashmanam Trailokyakhileshwari । Evmev Tvayaa Karyasmdvavairivinashanam ।। Om Namaschandikayai ।।
Badhanivarak Mantra(बेचैनी मिटाने का मंत्र)
इस मंत्र का बीस बार जप करके हंसवाहिनी सरस्वती का ध्यान करके रोगी के ऊपर जल के छींटे देने से अथवा मंत्रसिक्त जल पिला देने से बेचैनी दूर हो सकती है।
ॐ हंसः हंसः |
Om Hansah Hansah ।
Badhanivarak Mantra(शूल मिटाने का मंत्र)
सभी प्रकार के शूल को मिटाने हेतु महाकाली, का ध्यान करके निम्न मंत्र 108 बार बोलकर जल अभिमन्त्रत करें और रोगी को पिलायें। इससे शूल नष्ट होगा।
कालि कालि महाकालि, मनोऽस्तुत हन हन । दह दह शूलं त्रिशूलेन हुँ फट् स्वाहा ।।
Kaali Kaali Mahaakaali, Mano-astuta Han Han । Dah Dah Shoolam Trishulen Hoom Phat Swaaha ||
सोमवार, 24 मई 2010
Durga Devi Mantras for you to Start Simple
Powerful Mantra for Durga Devi
AUM - The Trinity
Aum Aeem Namah Aeem - (Saraswati) - Knowledge Intellect, Creativity & Talent,
Aum Hrim Namah Hrim - (Vishnu ) - Good Health
Aum Shrim Namah Shrim - ( Laxmi ) - Prosperity & Wealth
Aum Klim Namah Klim - (Mahakali ) Protector
Aum Arham Namah Arham
combine all these Mantras & have all-in-one Mantra as
"Aum Aeem Hrim Shrim Klim Arham Namah"
So Now start doing this all powerful Mantra Daily
Om Hrim Strim Hum Phat
This is Goddess Taras Mantra.
Tara contains within herself all other Mantras ,
and only through her grace can we come
to understand and use MANTRAS properly.
Tara is the most important
Goddess of Mantric Knowledge ,
the very personification of Mantra Shakti (Power)
Tara is the feminine form of Om or
Om personified as a Goddess.
Reciting this Mantra solves all problems
and takes you out of any difficult situations
that you may be in.
It saves you ,
takes you out of all your troubles.
The MEANING of the word Tara
is ' the savior ' or ' the deliverer '.
Use this Mantra during emergencies.
Hrim is a very powerful
seed sound within this Tara Mantra.
Om is the divine power of sound.
Om is the sound that reveals all other words
and their different meanings.
Om is the primal (original ) sound ;
Creation was born out of Om.
Om is also called the Cosmic vibration.
Om also has a luminous nature and reveals things.
Om is the voice of the Ishvara, the Lord.
Hence we must first contact the power of Om for
other mantras to work and
for their specific meanings to be known.
We must first contact Om to know the Guru or
Divine guiding power within us.
Different Mantras are only valuable as
various means of integrating us back into
the primal unitary sound vibration
which is Om.
Hence Om precedes all other Mantras.
Only through their connection with Om can
other Mantras be effective or be understood
in their specific natures.
Hrim is a mantra of purification and transformation.
Hrim brings inner transformation.
It dispels off our dillusions and our ignorance , in which we are trapped
as human beings.
Hrim is Goddess Parvati
as well as Goddess Kali.
The Goddess Parvati and
the Goddess Kali are the
divine forms for this
Magical Mantra - HRIM.
HRIM is one of the most important
of all Mantras.
Of all mantras , Hrim is regarded
as the supreme
It is called the Devi Pranav,
or the equivalent of Om
Hrim refers to the heart (Hridaya).
The mantra Hrim is the
mantra of Shiva's consort
and of Maheshvari ,
the supreme Goddess.
It is the main mantra of
the Sri Chakra and
is commonly used for Sundari.
It is a single syllable easy for
anyone to use.
The Devi Gita states that
" All my worship can be
performed with the mantra Hrim.
Of all the mantras , Hrim is regarded
as the supreme guide."
Strim is the feminine nature (stri) and provides
the power to give birth and sustenance.
Hum is the mantra of Divine protection ,
as well as knowledge and perceptive power.
Hum gives the power to
cut through illusions
Hum is the mantra of inner fire
to ward off negative energies.
Hum provides protection.
Hum has also healing energy
Phat also gives protection and
destroys obstacles.
Phat serves to concentrate
the force of the mantras.
Aum Aeem Namah Aeem - (Saraswati) - Knowledge Intellect, Creativity & Talent,
Aum Hrim Namah Hrim - (Vishnu ) - Good Health
Aum Shrim Namah Shrim - ( Laxmi ) - Prosperity & Wealth
Aum Klim Namah Klim - (Mahakali ) Protector
Aum Arham Namah Arham
combine all these Mantras & have all-in-one Mantra as
"Aum Aeem Hrim Shrim Klim Arham Namah"
So Now start doing this all powerful Mantra Daily
Om Hrim Strim Hum Phat
This is Goddess Taras Mantra.
Tara contains within herself all other Mantras ,
and only through her grace can we come
to understand and use MANTRAS properly.
Tara is the most important
Goddess of Mantric Knowledge ,
the very personification of Mantra Shakti (Power)
Tara is the feminine form of Om or
Om personified as a Goddess.
Reciting this Mantra solves all problems
and takes you out of any difficult situations
that you may be in.
It saves you ,
takes you out of all your troubles.
The MEANING of the word Tara
is ' the savior ' or ' the deliverer '.
Use this Mantra during emergencies.
Hrim is a very powerful
seed sound within this Tara Mantra.
Om is the divine power of sound.
Om is the sound that reveals all other words
and their different meanings.
Om is the primal (original ) sound ;
Creation was born out of Om.
Om is also called the Cosmic vibration.
Om also has a luminous nature and reveals things.
Om is the voice of the Ishvara, the Lord.
Hence we must first contact the power of Om for
other mantras to work and
for their specific meanings to be known.
We must first contact Om to know the Guru or
Divine guiding power within us.
Different Mantras are only valuable as
various means of integrating us back into
the primal unitary sound vibration
which is Om.
Hence Om precedes all other Mantras.
Only through their connection with Om can
other Mantras be effective or be understood
in their specific natures.
Hrim is a mantra of purification and transformation.
Hrim brings inner transformation.
It dispels off our dillusions and our ignorance , in which we are trapped
as human beings.
Hrim is Goddess Parvati
as well as Goddess Kali.
The Goddess Parvati and
the Goddess Kali are the
divine forms for this
Magical Mantra - HRIM.
HRIM is one of the most important
of all Mantras.
Of all mantras , Hrim is regarded
as the supreme
It is called the Devi Pranav,
or the equivalent of Om
Hrim refers to the heart (Hridaya).
The mantra Hrim is the
mantra of Shiva's consort
and of Maheshvari ,
the supreme Goddess.
It is the main mantra of
the Sri Chakra and
is commonly used for Sundari.
It is a single syllable easy for
anyone to use.
The Devi Gita states that
" All my worship can be
performed with the mantra Hrim.
Of all the mantras , Hrim is regarded
as the supreme guide."
Strim is the feminine nature (stri) and provides
the power to give birth and sustenance.
Hum is the mantra of Divine protection ,
as well as knowledge and perceptive power.
Hum gives the power to
cut through illusions
Hum is the mantra of inner fire
to ward off negative energies.
Hum provides protection.
Hum has also healing energy
Phat also gives protection and
destroys obstacles.
Phat serves to concentrate
the force of the mantras.
Gayatri Mantras
Gayatri Mantras
The Gayatri Mantra is the universal prayer enshrined in the Vedas, the most ancient Scriptures of Man. A Universal prayer is that which is to be chanted with devotion for one's spiritual benefit in all the ages in any part of the world. We have to recite the Mantra as follows.
The Gayatri Mantra can be translated as
Para Brahman
Bhu Loka (Physical Plane) - This refers to the five elements this body is made up of
Bhuva Loka (Middle Plane) - This refers to the power in man which animates the body. This is actually the Prana Sakthi
Swarga Loka (Heaven)
That, this refers to God, or Paramatma.
That from which all is born
Fit to be worshipped
The Radiance, the Spiritual Effulgence, the light that bestows wisdom.
Divine Reality
We Meditate
Buddhi, Intellect
The Gayatri Mantra can be translated as
Para Brahman
Bhu Loka (Physical Plane) - This refers to the five elements this body is made up of
Bhuva Loka (Middle Plane) - This refers to the power in man which animates the body. This is actually the Prana Sakthi
Swarga Loka (Heaven)
That, this refers to God, or Paramatma.
That from which all is born
Fit to be worshipped
The Radiance, the Spiritual Effulgence, the light that bestows wisdom.
Divine Reality
We Meditate
Buddhi, Intellect
Yantra For Luck - Durga Bisa Yantra

Durga Bisa Yantra -Yantra For Luck
Durga Bisa Yantra is of Shri Durga Ambe Maa. Durga Bisa Yantra is carved on gold, silver or copper and is worshipped through Beej mantra and yields good results. Durga Bisa Yantra is a powerful yantra for attaining desires, to remove difficulties and to conquer enemies are the special effects of this yantra. Durga Bisa Yantra bestows wealth and property and protect the person from all sorts of dangers.
Worship of this yantra as per Adhayaya 4 sloka 17 of Durga Saptashati removes poverty. It also indicates result when used in neck, arm or on body. Durga Bisa Yantra is most famous yantra in different forms and is very effective, provided it is prepared and puja is performed with kinds of flowers and put in the smoke of lamp lighted with black agar with rituals and full faith. Astroshastra has made an effort to present Durga Bisa Yantra and Mahamritunjay Yantra
Durga Bisa Yantra in Silver Pendant Form
In silver pendant form with silver chain.as a unique Protection Pendant which has Mahamritunjay yantra on one side and Durga Bisa Yantra on another side to protect you form all odd. Click on the image of the yantra to know more about this unique talisman. A unique and best talisman for Durga Maa devotees. This talsiman shall definately be worm by people wo remain sick or are very prone to infections and diseases.
Bisa Yantra Guidelines:-
A Yantra is an instrument, or a talisman or a mystical diagram usually in copper. It is a technique or path, considered the simplest and shortest, through which one can attain one's desires, and fulfill one's wishes. It is said that the 'Deities' reside in the Yantras and by performing 'Puja' or worship of Yantras, one can appease them, remove the malefic effects of planets, and increase the flow of positive influences. Procedures to be followed by you to place this energized Yantra.
1.First purify your body and start with a clear and positive mind frame
2.Find a place on the floor facing east, where you will be undisturbed.
3.Light the incense or diya. (It does not matter how many you light).
4.Lay a fresh flower and a fresh fruit on the altar.
5.Open the Yantra and place it along with the image of the deity of yantra and your isht God.
6.Take the water with any leaf from any tree and sprinkle the water on yourself followed by sprinkling the water on the Yantra.
7.Then purify your soul and surrender yourself completely in devotion to God and chant 21 times the following :
"Aaeng Hareeng Kaleeng Chamundaye Vichche"
8. Close your eyes and concentrate on the deity to bless you with wishes.Now with all sincerity, ask God to grant you the desire of your life that you wanted to be fulfilled in your own language.
Vedic Yantras are Energised (Pran pratishta) by learned purohits, by reciting the vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva.
Worship of this yantra as per Adhayaya 4 sloka 17 of Durga Saptashati removes poverty. It also indicates result when used in neck, arm or on body. Durga Bisa Yantra is most famous yantra in different forms and is very effective, provided it is prepared and puja is performed with kinds of flowers and put in the smoke of lamp lighted with black agar with rituals and full faith. Astroshastra has made an effort to present Durga Bisa Yantra and Mahamritunjay Yantra
Durga Bisa Yantra in Silver Pendant Form
In silver pendant form with silver chain.as a unique Protection Pendant which has Mahamritunjay yantra on one side and Durga Bisa Yantra on another side to protect you form all odd. Click on the image of the yantra to know more about this unique talisman. A unique and best talisman for Durga Maa devotees. This talsiman shall definately be worm by people wo remain sick or are very prone to infections and diseases.
Bisa Yantra Guidelines:-
A Yantra is an instrument, or a talisman or a mystical diagram usually in copper. It is a technique or path, considered the simplest and shortest, through which one can attain one's desires, and fulfill one's wishes. It is said that the 'Deities' reside in the Yantras and by performing 'Puja' or worship of Yantras, one can appease them, remove the malefic effects of planets, and increase the flow of positive influences. Procedures to be followed by you to place this energized Yantra.
1.First purify your body and start with a clear and positive mind frame
2.Find a place on the floor facing east, where you will be undisturbed.
3.Light the incense or diya. (It does not matter how many you light).
4.Lay a fresh flower and a fresh fruit on the altar.
5.Open the Yantra and place it along with the image of the deity of yantra and your isht God.
6.Take the water with any leaf from any tree and sprinkle the water on yourself followed by sprinkling the water on the Yantra.
7.Then purify your soul and surrender yourself completely in devotion to God and chant 21 times the following :
"Aaeng Hareeng Kaleeng Chamundaye Vichche"
8. Close your eyes and concentrate on the deity to bless you with wishes.Now with all sincerity, ask God to grant you the desire of your life that you wanted to be fulfilled in your own language.
Vedic Yantras are Energised (Pran pratishta) by learned purohits, by reciting the vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva.
Yantra For Childrens - Santangopal Yantra

Santangopal Yantra-Yantra For Childrens
For Childrens Santan Gopal Yantra Yantra for progeny. All your Prayers for progeny would be answered through this Yantra, Childless couples .
Yantra Guidelines:- A Yantra is an instrument, or a talisman or a mystical diagram usually in copper. It is a technique or path, considered the simplest and shortest, through which one can attain one's desires, and fulfill one's wishes. It is said that the 'Deities' reside in the Yantras and by performing 'Puja' or worship of Yantras, one can appease them, remove the malefic effects of planets, and increase the flow of positive influences. Procedures to be followed by you to place this energized Yantra. 1.First purify your body and start with a clear and positive mind frame 2.Find a place on the floor facing east, where you will be undisturbed. 3.Light the incense or diya. (It does not matter how many you light). 4.Lay a fresh flower and a fresh fruit on the altar. 5.Open the Yantra and place it along with the image of the deity of yantra and your isht God. 6.Take the water with any leaf from any tree and sprinkle the water on yourself followed by sprinkling the water on the Yantra. 7.Then purify your soul and surrender yourself completely in devotion to God and chant 21 times the following : "Aakarshay Mahadevi Ram mam Priyam Hey tripure Devdeveshi Tubhyam Dasyami Yanchitam" 8.Close your eyes and concentrate on the deity to bless you with wishes.Now with all sincerity, ask God to grant you the desire of your life that you wanted to be fulfilled in your own language. Vedic Yantras are Energised (Pran pratishta) by learned purohits, by reciting the vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Devas.
Yantra Guidelines:- A Yantra is an instrument, or a talisman or a mystical diagram usually in copper. It is a technique or path, considered the simplest and shortest, through which one can attain one's desires, and fulfill one's wishes. It is said that the 'Deities' reside in the Yantras and by performing 'Puja' or worship of Yantras, one can appease them, remove the malefic effects of planets, and increase the flow of positive influences. Procedures to be followed by you to place this energized Yantra. 1.First purify your body and start with a clear and positive mind frame 2.Find a place on the floor facing east, where you will be undisturbed. 3.Light the incense or diya. (It does not matter how many you light). 4.Lay a fresh flower and a fresh fruit on the altar. 5.Open the Yantra and place it along with the image of the deity of yantra and your isht God. 6.Take the water with any leaf from any tree and sprinkle the water on yourself followed by sprinkling the water on the Yantra. 7.Then purify your soul and surrender yourself completely in devotion to God and chant 21 times the following : "Aakarshay Mahadevi Ram mam Priyam Hey tripure Devdeveshi Tubhyam Dasyami Yanchitam" 8.Close your eyes and concentrate on the deity to bless you with wishes.Now with all sincerity, ask God to grant you the desire of your life that you wanted to be fulfilled in your own language. Vedic Yantras are Energised (Pran pratishta) by learned purohits, by reciting the vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Devas.
General Vastu Remedies
General Disturbances * Put the auspicious pictures of Lord Ganesha or Godess Luxmi, both outside or inside the main gate of the house * Make sure no mirror facing bed is placed in the bedroom (including TV). * Keep the North East portion of the home clean & well lighted * Masters bedroom in the South East will result in family discord/disturbances, avoid it. Financial Disturbances * Ensure you should not have any Godess Luxmi picture or statue in standing position in the house. * Ensure no leakage of water in the house * Keep water lobby outside the main gate with tortoise facing home, may be placed in water itselfYantra For Health-Mrityunjay Yantra

Yantra For Health-Mrityunjay Yantra
Yantra to free the fear of death, grave dangers, fatal diseases and makes him courageous and healthy.
An outstanding yantra of great values, to be carried on silver or copper plate. The use and upasana of Maha Mritunjay yantra is worship of Lord Mahamritunjay Shiva and is most auspicious and bestows the person with wealth, health and happiness, good fortune and fame. Maha Mritunjay yantra dispels all sort of fears, influence of evil planets, fear of ghosts accidental death and disease etc. Maha Mritunjay yantra particularly releives one from all dreadful diseases. This yantra is carved on copper plate with 24 caret Gold plating and is energised with mantras. The person who perform puja to mahmritunjay yantra , remains in good health and free from all ailments.
Lord Mrityunjay Mahadev is the winner of death. On worshiping Mrityunjay Mahadev one can escape from miseries and troubles of this materialistic world as well as the problems related to inner soul. He eats our troubles, tensions, stress as well as our ego. Lord Mrityunjay is the doctor of soul and sentiments. Maha Mritunjay yantraa is useful when Saturn, Mars is enjoined, in opposition or in aspect to each other in a birthchart or in transit to avoid any accident or accidental death. Maha Mritunjay yantra is worshipped, also after pooja, the yantra be dipped in water and the water is to be drink as "Charnamrit" to control and cure diseases. The water sprinkled in the house creates amity comfort in home. The pooja of Maha Mritunjay yantra is like that of Kali or Durga yantra. Astroshastra has made an effort to present Mahamritunjay Yantra in silver pendant form with silver chain. This unique Protection Pendant has Mahamritunjay yantra on one side and Durga Yantra on another side to protect you form all odd. Click on the image of the yantra to know more about this unique talisman. To avoid effects of souls and other calamities, Maha Mritunjay yantra, after pooja or being energised, is also fixed on the outer Gates of the house. Mahamritunay yantra shall definately be worm by people wo remain sick or are very prone to infections and diseases.
" Om Hoorg joorg Om Bhoorbhava Swah Om Tryamabakaam yajamaha Saugandhani Pushti Vardhamanm diyagona Parchodyet"
"Urvarlakmi kmii Bandhanan mrityor mukhrheevamamritiyat Swah bhoowah Bhooh om sah joon Houng Om"
Yantra Guidelines:-
A Yantra is an instrument, or a talisman or a mystical diagram usually in copper. It is a technique or path, considered the simplest and shortest, through which one can attain one's desires, and fulfill one's wishes. It is said that the 'Deities' reside in the Yantras and by performing 'Puja' or worship of Yantras, one can appease them, remove the malefic effects of planets, and increase the flow of positive influences. Procedures to be followed by you to place this energized Yantra.
1.First purify your body and start with a clear and positive mind frame
2.Find a place on the floor facing east, where you will be undisturbed.
3.Light the incense or diya. (It does not matter how many you light).
4.Lay a fresh flower and a fresh fruit on the altar.
5.Open the Yantra and place it along with the image of the deity of yantra and your isht God.
6.Take the water with any leaf from any tree and sprinkle the water on yourself followed by sprinkling the water on the Yantra.
7.Then purify your soul and surrender yourself completely in devotion to God and chant 21 times the following :
"Om Hoong joong Om Bhoorbhava Swah Om Tryamabakam Yajamaha Saugandhim Pushti vardhamam diyoyona Parchodyet"
"Urvarukmiv Bandhanan mrityor mukhsheevamamritiyat Swah Bhoowah Bhooh Om Sah joon houng Om"
8.Close your eyes and concentrate on the deity to bless you with wishes.Now with all sincerity, ask God to grant you the desire of your life that you wanted to be fulfilled in your own language.
Vedic Yantras are Energised (Pran pratishta) by learned purohits, by reciting the vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva.
An outstanding yantra of great values, to be carried on silver or copper plate. The use and upasana of Maha Mritunjay yantra is worship of Lord Mahamritunjay Shiva and is most auspicious and bestows the person with wealth, health and happiness, good fortune and fame. Maha Mritunjay yantra dispels all sort of fears, influence of evil planets, fear of ghosts accidental death and disease etc. Maha Mritunjay yantra particularly releives one from all dreadful diseases. This yantra is carved on copper plate with 24 caret Gold plating and is energised with mantras. The person who perform puja to mahmritunjay yantra , remains in good health and free from all ailments.
Lord Mrityunjay Mahadev is the winner of death. On worshiping Mrityunjay Mahadev one can escape from miseries and troubles of this materialistic world as well as the problems related to inner soul. He eats our troubles, tensions, stress as well as our ego. Lord Mrityunjay is the doctor of soul and sentiments. Maha Mritunjay yantraa is useful when Saturn, Mars is enjoined, in opposition or in aspect to each other in a birthchart or in transit to avoid any accident or accidental death. Maha Mritunjay yantra is worshipped, also after pooja, the yantra be dipped in water and the water is to be drink as "Charnamrit" to control and cure diseases. The water sprinkled in the house creates amity comfort in home. The pooja of Maha Mritunjay yantra is like that of Kali or Durga yantra. Astroshastra has made an effort to present Mahamritunjay Yantra in silver pendant form with silver chain. This unique Protection Pendant has Mahamritunjay yantra on one side and Durga Yantra on another side to protect you form all odd. Click on the image of the yantra to know more about this unique talisman. To avoid effects of souls and other calamities, Maha Mritunjay yantra, after pooja or being energised, is also fixed on the outer Gates of the house. Mahamritunay yantra shall definately be worm by people wo remain sick or are very prone to infections and diseases.
" Om Hoorg joorg Om Bhoorbhava Swah Om Tryamabakaam yajamaha Saugandhani Pushti Vardhamanm diyagona Parchodyet"
"Urvarlakmi kmii Bandhanan mrityor mukhrheevamamritiyat Swah bhoowah Bhooh om sah joon Houng Om"
Yantra Guidelines:-
A Yantra is an instrument, or a talisman or a mystical diagram usually in copper. It is a technique or path, considered the simplest and shortest, through which one can attain one's desires, and fulfill one's wishes. It is said that the 'Deities' reside in the Yantras and by performing 'Puja' or worship of Yantras, one can appease them, remove the malefic effects of planets, and increase the flow of positive influences. Procedures to be followed by you to place this energized Yantra.
1.First purify your body and start with a clear and positive mind frame
2.Find a place on the floor facing east, where you will be undisturbed.
3.Light the incense or diya. (It does not matter how many you light).
4.Lay a fresh flower and a fresh fruit on the altar.
5.Open the Yantra and place it along with the image of the deity of yantra and your isht God.
6.Take the water with any leaf from any tree and sprinkle the water on yourself followed by sprinkling the water on the Yantra.
7.Then purify your soul and surrender yourself completely in devotion to God and chant 21 times the following :
"Om Hoong joong Om Bhoorbhava Swah Om Tryamabakam Yajamaha Saugandhim Pushti vardhamam diyoyona Parchodyet"
"Urvarukmiv Bandhanan mrityor mukhsheevamamritiyat Swah Bhoowah Bhooh Om Sah joon houng Om"
8.Close your eyes and concentrate on the deity to bless you with wishes.Now with all sincerity, ask God to grant you the desire of your life that you wanted to be fulfilled in your own language.
Vedic Yantras are Energised (Pran pratishta) by learned purohits, by reciting the vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva.
गुरुवार, 20 मई 2010
remedies for the problems related to planets
remedies for the problems related to planets
For Surya or Sun related troubles and during the dasa or antardasa of sun:
1.Worship the ruling deity Lord Shiva
2. Recite Aditya Hrudayam (stotra) daily or Gayatri Mantra daily.
3. Japa of Sun's moola mantra:
"Om hram hreem hroum sah suryaya namah",
6000 times in 40 days.
4. Recite the surya stotra:
Java kusuma sankasam kashyapeyam mahadutim
Tamorim Sarva paapghnam pranatosmi Divakaram
5. Charity: Donate wheat, or sugar candy on Sunday.
6. Fasting day: Sundays.
7. Do Rudrabhishekam on Sunday.
8. Rudraksha: Wear Ekamukhi or 12 mukhi Rudraksha
For Chandra or Moon related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Moon:
1. Worship the ruling deity Gouri.
2. Recite Annapoorna stotram.
3. Japa of Moon's moola mantra:
"Om shram sreem shraum sah chandraya namah",
10000 times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Chandra stotra:
Dadhi Shankha tushaarabham ksheero darnava sambhavam
Namaami shashinam somam shambhor mukuta bhushanam
5. Charity: Donate cow's milk or rice on Monday.
6. Fasting: On Mondays.
7. Pooja: Devi pooja on Monday.
8. Rudraksha: Wear 2 mukhi Rudraksha.
For Kuja or Mars related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Mars:
1. Worship the ruling deities Kartikeya and Shiva.
2. Recite Kartikeya or Shiva stotra.
3. Japa of the Mars mantra:
" Om kram kreem kroum sah bhaumaya namah ",
7000 times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Mangala stotra:
Dharani garbha sambhutam vidyut kanti samaprabham
Kumaram shakti hastam tam mangalam pranamamyaham.
5. Charity: Donate Masoor dal( red lentils) on Tuesday.
6. Fasting: On Tuesdays.
7. Pooja: Kartikeya pooja or Rudrabhishekha.
8. Rudraksha: Wear a 3 mukhi Rudraksha.
Mars is also the remover of debts and the giver of wealth. The following is a highly recommended stotra of Mars for this purpose.
Kuja stotra :
Angarakoyamaschaiva sarvarogaapahaarakah
Nrishtekargaacha hartaacha sarvadevascha poojitah.
Lohito Lohitaakshascha samagaana Kripaakarah
Dharmatmajah Kujobhoumou bhumido bhuminam
Rakta maalyambaradharam shulashakti gadaadharah
Charbhujo yeshagato varadamcha dharaasutah
Mangalo bhumiputrascha runahartaa dhanapradah
Sthiraasano mahaakaayo sarvakaama phalapradam
For Budha or Mercury related problems and during his dasa and antardasa:
1. Worship Lord Vishnu.
2. Recite Vishnu sahasranama stotra.
3. Japa of the Budha beeja mantra:
" Om bram breem broum sah budhaya namah" ,
17000 times in 40 days.
4.Recite the Budha stotra:
Priyangu Kalika Shyaamam Roopena Pratimam Budham
Soumyam Soumya gunopetam tam Budham Pranamamyaham.
5. Charity: Donate Udad dal on Wednesday.
6. Fasting: On Wednesdays.
7. Pooja: Vishnu pooja.
8. Wear a 10 mukhi Rudraksha.
For Guru or Jupiter related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Guru:
1. Worship Lord Shiva.
2. Recite Sri Rudram.
3. Japa of the Guru beeja mantra:
" Om jhram jhreem jroum sah gurave namah " ,
16000 times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Guru stotra:
Devanam cha rishinam cha Gurum kaanchan Sannibhaam
Buddhi bhutam Trilokesham tam namaami Brihaspatim.
5. Donate: Saffron or turmeric on thursday.
6. Fasting: On Thrusdays.
7. Pooja: Rudrabhishekam.
8. Wear a 5 mukhi rudraksha.
For Shukra or Venus related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Venus:
1. Worship Durga Devi.
2. Recite Shree Sooktam or Devi stuti or Durga chalisa.
3. Japa of Shukra beeja mantra:
" Om dram dreem droum sah shukraya namah ",
20000 times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Shukra stotra:
Hima kunda mrinalaabham daityanam paramam gurum
Sarv shastra pravaktaram bhargavem pranamamyaham
5. Donate clothes to a lady on Friday.
6. Fasting: On Fridays.
7. Pooja: Durga Devi pooja.
8. Wear a 6 mukhi Rudraksha.
For Sani or Saturn related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Shani:
1. Worship Lord Hanuman or Lord Siva.
2. Recite Hanuman chalisa or any other Hanuman stotra.
3. Japa of Shani mantra:
" Om pram preem proum sah shanaischaraya namah " ,
19000 times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Shani stotra:
Nelanjan samabhasam ravi putram yamagrajam
Chaaya martand sambhutam tam namami shanaischaram
5. Donate a buffalo or black oil (sesame seeds) on Saturday.
6. Fasting on Fridays.
7. Pooja: Hanuman pooja or Siva Pooja
8. Wear a 14 mukhi Rudraksha.
For all Saturn related troubles the following Shani
Shodasanama stotra of Dasharatha is an excellent remedy.
Konassanaischaromandah chhayaahridayanandanah
Maargandaja sudhaasouri neelavastraanjanadyutih
Abrahmanah kroora kroora karmaatangi grahanaayakah
Krishnodharmaanujah shantah shushkodara varapradah
Apart from this reciting the following dasanama stotra of Shani by Dasharatha near a Pepal tree is also a highly recommended one.
Konastha pingalobabhruh
Souri, shanaischaro mandah
Pippaladishu sansthitah
For Rahu related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Rahu:
1. Worship Bhairava or lord Shiva.
2. Recite the Kalabhairav asthakam.
3. Japa of the rahu beeja mantra:
" Om bhram bhreem bhroum sah rahave namah",
18000 times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Rahu stotra:
Ardha Kaayam maha veryam chandraditya vimardhanam
Simhika garbha sambhutam tam rahum pranamamyaham.
5. Donate: Udad dal or coconut on Saturday.
6. Fasting on Saturdays.
7. Pooja: Bhairav or Shiva or Chandi pooja.
8. Wear An 8 mukhi Rudraksha.
9. One of the best remedies for rahu is reciting the first chapter of Durga Saptasati.
For Ketu related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Ketu:
1. Worship Lord Ganesha.
2. Recite Ganesha Dwadasanama Stotra.
3. Japa of the Ketu beeja mantra:
" Om shram shreem shroum sah ketave namah " ,
7000 times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Ketu stotra:
Palasha pushpa sankaasham taraka graha mastakam
Roudram roudratmakam ghoram tam ketum Pranamamyaham.
5. Donate: A black cow or black mustard seeds on Thursday.
6. Fasting: On Thursdays.
7. Pooja: Ganesh pooja.
8. Wear a 9 mukhi rudraksha.
9. A very good remedy for Ketu is the reciting of Shiva Panchakshari Stotra.
For Surya or Sun related troubles and during the dasa or antardasa of sun:
1.Worship the ruling deity Lord Shiva
2. Recite Aditya Hrudayam (stotra) daily or Gayatri Mantra daily.
3. Japa of Sun's moola mantra:
"Om hram hreem hroum sah suryaya namah",
6000 times in 40 days.
4. Recite the surya stotra:
Java kusuma sankasam kashyapeyam mahadutim
Tamorim Sarva paapghnam pranatosmi Divakaram
5. Charity: Donate wheat, or sugar candy on Sunday.
6. Fasting day: Sundays.
7. Do Rudrabhishekam on Sunday.
8. Rudraksha: Wear Ekamukhi or 12 mukhi Rudraksha
For Chandra or Moon related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Moon:
1. Worship the ruling deity Gouri.
2. Recite Annapoorna stotram.
3. Japa of Moon's moola mantra:
"Om shram sreem shraum sah chandraya namah",
10000 times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Chandra stotra:
Dadhi Shankha tushaarabham ksheero darnava sambhavam
Namaami shashinam somam shambhor mukuta bhushanam
5. Charity: Donate cow's milk or rice on Monday.
6. Fasting: On Mondays.
7. Pooja: Devi pooja on Monday.
8. Rudraksha: Wear 2 mukhi Rudraksha.
For Kuja or Mars related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Mars:
1. Worship the ruling deities Kartikeya and Shiva.
2. Recite Kartikeya or Shiva stotra.
3. Japa of the Mars mantra:
" Om kram kreem kroum sah bhaumaya namah ",
7000 times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Mangala stotra:
Dharani garbha sambhutam vidyut kanti samaprabham
Kumaram shakti hastam tam mangalam pranamamyaham.
5. Charity: Donate Masoor dal( red lentils) on Tuesday.
6. Fasting: On Tuesdays.
7. Pooja: Kartikeya pooja or Rudrabhishekha.
8. Rudraksha: Wear a 3 mukhi Rudraksha.
Mars is also the remover of debts and the giver of wealth. The following is a highly recommended stotra of Mars for this purpose.
Kuja stotra :
Angarakoyamaschaiva sarvarogaapahaarakah
Nrishtekargaacha hartaacha sarvadevascha poojitah.
Lohito Lohitaakshascha samagaana Kripaakarah
Dharmatmajah Kujobhoumou bhumido bhuminam
Rakta maalyambaradharam shulashakti gadaadharah
Charbhujo yeshagato varadamcha dharaasutah
Mangalo bhumiputrascha runahartaa dhanapradah
Sthiraasano mahaakaayo sarvakaama phalapradam
For Budha or Mercury related problems and during his dasa and antardasa:
1. Worship Lord Vishnu.
2. Recite Vishnu sahasranama stotra.
3. Japa of the Budha beeja mantra:
" Om bram breem broum sah budhaya namah" ,
17000 times in 40 days.
4.Recite the Budha stotra:
Priyangu Kalika Shyaamam Roopena Pratimam Budham
Soumyam Soumya gunopetam tam Budham Pranamamyaham.
5. Charity: Donate Udad dal on Wednesday.
6. Fasting: On Wednesdays.
7. Pooja: Vishnu pooja.
8. Wear a 10 mukhi Rudraksha.
For Guru or Jupiter related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Guru:
1. Worship Lord Shiva.
2. Recite Sri Rudram.
3. Japa of the Guru beeja mantra:
" Om jhram jhreem jroum sah gurave namah " ,
16000 times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Guru stotra:
Devanam cha rishinam cha Gurum kaanchan Sannibhaam
Buddhi bhutam Trilokesham tam namaami Brihaspatim.
5. Donate: Saffron or turmeric on thursday.
6. Fasting: On Thrusdays.
7. Pooja: Rudrabhishekam.
8. Wear a 5 mukhi rudraksha.
For Shukra or Venus related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Venus:
1. Worship Durga Devi.
2. Recite Shree Sooktam or Devi stuti or Durga chalisa.
3. Japa of Shukra beeja mantra:
" Om dram dreem droum sah shukraya namah ",
20000 times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Shukra stotra:
Hima kunda mrinalaabham daityanam paramam gurum
Sarv shastra pravaktaram bhargavem pranamamyaham
5. Donate clothes to a lady on Friday.
6. Fasting: On Fridays.
7. Pooja: Durga Devi pooja.
8. Wear a 6 mukhi Rudraksha.
For Sani or Saturn related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Shani:
1. Worship Lord Hanuman or Lord Siva.
2. Recite Hanuman chalisa or any other Hanuman stotra.
3. Japa of Shani mantra:
" Om pram preem proum sah shanaischaraya namah " ,
19000 times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Shani stotra:
Nelanjan samabhasam ravi putram yamagrajam
Chaaya martand sambhutam tam namami shanaischaram
5. Donate a buffalo or black oil (sesame seeds) on Saturday.
6. Fasting on Fridays.
7. Pooja: Hanuman pooja or Siva Pooja
8. Wear a 14 mukhi Rudraksha.
For all Saturn related troubles the following Shani
Shodasanama stotra of Dasharatha is an excellent remedy.
Konassanaischaromandah chhayaahridayanandanah
Maargandaja sudhaasouri neelavastraanjanadyutih
Abrahmanah kroora kroora karmaatangi grahanaayakah
Krishnodharmaanujah shantah shushkodara varapradah
Apart from this reciting the following dasanama stotra of Shani by Dasharatha near a Pepal tree is also a highly recommended one.
Konastha pingalobabhruh
Souri, shanaischaro mandah
Pippaladishu sansthitah
For Rahu related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Rahu:
1. Worship Bhairava or lord Shiva.
2. Recite the Kalabhairav asthakam.
3. Japa of the rahu beeja mantra:
" Om bhram bhreem bhroum sah rahave namah",
18000 times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Rahu stotra:
Ardha Kaayam maha veryam chandraditya vimardhanam
Simhika garbha sambhutam tam rahum pranamamyaham.
5. Donate: Udad dal or coconut on Saturday.
6. Fasting on Saturdays.
7. Pooja: Bhairav or Shiva or Chandi pooja.
8. Wear An 8 mukhi Rudraksha.
9. One of the best remedies for rahu is reciting the first chapter of Durga Saptasati.
For Ketu related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Ketu:
1. Worship Lord Ganesha.
2. Recite Ganesha Dwadasanama Stotra.
3. Japa of the Ketu beeja mantra:
" Om shram shreem shroum sah ketave namah " ,
7000 times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Ketu stotra:
Palasha pushpa sankaasham taraka graha mastakam
Roudram roudratmakam ghoram tam ketum Pranamamyaham.
5. Donate: A black cow or black mustard seeds on Thursday.
6. Fasting: On Thursdays.
7. Pooja: Ganesh pooja.
8. Wear a 9 mukhi rudraksha.
9. A very good remedy for Ketu is the reciting of Shiva Panchakshari Stotra.
The astrological thesis of Lal Kitab describes Saturn as a serpent, whose head or mouth is Rahu and Ketu is its tail. If ketu is posited in earlier houses than Saturn, the latter becomes a great benefic for the native. However, if the position is otherwise, the Saturn throws highest poisonous results on the native. Further, Saturn never gives malefic effects if posited in houses of Jupiter i.e. 2, 5, 9 or 12, whereas Jupiter provides bad results if posited in the house of Saturn.
Saturn is considered good in houses 2nd , 3rd and 7th to 12th, whereas 1st, 4th, 5th and 6th houses are bad for Saturn. Sun, Moon and Mars are its enemies, Venus, Mercury and Rahu are friends and Jupiter and Ketu are neutral to it. Saturn gets exalted in 7th house and the 1st house is the house of its debilitation. Venus and Jupiter placed together act like Saturn in that house. Similarly Mars and Mercury placed in a single house act like Saturn in that house. In the former case Saturn behaves like Ketu, while in the latter case it behaves like Rahu.
Venus gets destroyed if Saturn is being aspected by the Sun in any horoscope. The aspect of Venus on Saturn causes loss of money and wealth, but the aspect of Saturn on Venus proves highly beneficial. Collision of Saturn and Moon causes operation of the eyes of the native. Saturn gives good results if posited in house earlier than Sun.
Saturn can never give malefic results if posited with Sun or Jupiter in a single house, but highly adverse results would follow if posited with Moon or Mars in any house. Saturn releases its poisonous results on the sign and Mars, if it is posited in 1st house, on Mars only if posited in 3rd house, on moon if posited in 4th house, on sun if posited in 5th house, and on Mars in posited in 3rd house. Saturn in 3rd house deprives the native of the accumulation of cash money and kills the children of the native when posited in 5th house and 10th house is empty. It becomes highly benefic in 12th house if friendly planets are posited in 2nd house. Saturn provides very good results if placed in houses 1 to 7 on the condition that 10th house is empty. Saturn in 1st house and sun in 7th, 10th or 11th houses causes all sorts of troubles for native's wife. Combination of Mars and Saturn gives adverse results all through.
Saturn in 1st House
1st house is influenced by Sun and Mars. Saturn in 1st house will give good results only when 3rd, 7th or 10th houses are not inhabited by any planet which is inimical to Saturn. If Mercury or Venus, Rahu or Ketu is in 7th house, Saturn will always give good results. In case Saturn is malefic and the native has a hairy body, the native will remain poor. If native celebrates his birthday it will give very bad results However the native will have a long life.
(1) Abstinence from alcohol and non-vegetarian meals.
(2) Burying Surma in the ground will be beneficial for promotion in service and business.
(3) Serving monkey will lead to prosperity.
(4) Offering sweet milk to the roots of a banyan tree will give good results as regards education and health.
Saturn in 2nd House
The native will be wise, kind and just. He will enjoy wealth and will be of religious temperament. However, whether Saturn is benefic or malefic in this house, it will be decided by the planets placed in 8th house. The state of finance of the native will be decided by 7th house, the number of male members in the family by 6th house and age by 8th house. When Saturn is malefic in this house, after the native's marriage his in laws will face problems.
(1) Going barefoot to temple for forty three days.
(2) Putting a tilak of curd or milk on the forehead.
(3) Offering milk to snake.
Saturn in 3rd House
In this house Saturn gives good results. This house is the pukka Ghar of Mars. When Ketu aspects this house or is placed here Saturn will give very good results. The native will be healthy, wise and very intuitive. If the native is wealthy he will have few male members in the family and vice versa. As long as the native abstains from wine and non-vegetarianism, he will enjoy a long and healthy life.
(1) Serve three dogs.
(2) Distributing medicines for eyes free.
(3) Keeping a dark room in the house will prove highly beneficial.
Saturn in 4th House
This house belongs to Moon. So it will give mixed results in this house. The native will be devoted to his parents and will be of loving nature. Whenever the native is suffering from bad health, the use of things associated with Saturn will give good results. In native's family some one will be associated with medical profession.
When Saturn is malefic in this house drinking wine, killing of snakes and laying the foundation of the house at night will give very bad results. Drinking milk in the night will also give bad results.
(1) Offering milk to snake and offering milk or rice to crow or buffalo.
(2) Pouring milk in the well.
(3) Pouring rum in running water.
Saturn in 5th House
This house belongs to Sun, which is inimical to Saturn. The native will be proud. He should not construct a house till 48 years, otherwise his son will suffer. He should live in the house bought or constructed by his son. He should keep articles of Jupiter and Mars in his ancestral house for welfare of his children. If the native has hairy body, he will be dishonest.
(1) Distributing salty things while celebrating son's birthday.
(2) Offering almonds in the temple and bringing and keeping half of it in the house.
Saturn in 6th House
If the work related to Saturn is done at night it will always give beneficial results. When marriage takes place after 28 years it will produce good results. when Ketu is well placed the native will enjoy wealth, profitable journey and happiness from children. when Saturn is malefic bringing things associated with Saturn, like leather and things of iron, will give bad results, especially when Saturn is in 6th house in varshaphal
(1) Serving a black dog and offering meals to it.
(2) Offering coconut and almonds in the running water.
(3) Serving snakes will prove advantageous for the welfare of children.
Saturn in 7th House
This house is influenced by Mercury and Venus, both friends of Saturn. so this planet gives very good results in this house. The professions associated with Saturn, like machinery and iron, will be very profitable. If the native maintains good relation with his wife, he will be rich and prosperous, will enjoy a long life and good health. If Jupiter is in 1st house, there will be gain from government.
Saturn becomes malefic if the native commits adultery and drinks wine. If the native gets married after 22 years his eyesight will be affected adversely.
(1) Bury a flute filled with sugar in a deserted place.
(2) Serving black cow.
Saturn in 8th House
In 8th house no planet is considered auspicious. The native has a long life, but his father's life span is short and native's brothers turn out to be his foes. This house is considered headquarter of Saturn, but it will give bad result if Mercury, Rahu and Ketu are malefic in the native's horoscope.
(1) Keeping a square piece of silver.
(2) Putting milk in water and sitting on a stone or wood while taking bath.
Saturn in 9th House
Native will have three houses. He will be a successful tour operator or civil engineer. He will enjoy a long and happy life and parents also will have a happy life. Maintaining three generations will protect from the bad effects of Saturn. if the native is helpful to others Saturn will always give good results. The native will have a son, though he will be born late.
(1) Offering rice or almonds in running water.
(2) Work associated with Jupiter (gold, kesar) and Moon (silver, cloth) will give good results.
Saturn in 10th House
This is Saturn's own house, where it will give good results. The native will enjoy wealth and property as long as he does not get a house constructed. Native will be ambitious and enjoy favours from government. The native should behave with shrewdness and should do his work while sitting at one place; only then he will enjoy the benefits of Saturn.
(1) Going to temple.
(2) Abstinence from meat, wine and eggs.
(3) Offering food to ten blind people.
Saturn in 11th House
Native's fate will be decided at the age of forty eight years. The native will never remain childless. Native will earn money by shrewdness and deceit. Saturn will give good or bad results according to the position of Rahu and Ketu
(1) Before going for an important work place a vessel filled with water and drop oil or wine on earth for forty three days.
(2) Abstinence from drinking and maintaing good moral character.
Saturn in 12th House
Saturn gives good results in this house. Native will not have enemies. He will have many houses. His family and business will increase. He will be very rich. However Saturn will become malefic if the native starts drinking wine and becomes non-vegetarian, or if the dark room in the house is illuminated.
(1)Tying twelve almonds in a black cloth and placing it in a iron pot and keeping it in a dark room will give good results.
Saturn is considered good in houses 2nd , 3rd and 7th to 12th, whereas 1st, 4th, 5th and 6th houses are bad for Saturn. Sun, Moon and Mars are its enemies, Venus, Mercury and Rahu are friends and Jupiter and Ketu are neutral to it. Saturn gets exalted in 7th house and the 1st house is the house of its debilitation. Venus and Jupiter placed together act like Saturn in that house. Similarly Mars and Mercury placed in a single house act like Saturn in that house. In the former case Saturn behaves like Ketu, while in the latter case it behaves like Rahu.
Venus gets destroyed if Saturn is being aspected by the Sun in any horoscope. The aspect of Venus on Saturn causes loss of money and wealth, but the aspect of Saturn on Venus proves highly beneficial. Collision of Saturn and Moon causes operation of the eyes of the native. Saturn gives good results if posited in house earlier than Sun.
Saturn can never give malefic results if posited with Sun or Jupiter in a single house, but highly adverse results would follow if posited with Moon or Mars in any house. Saturn releases its poisonous results on the sign and Mars, if it is posited in 1st house, on Mars only if posited in 3rd house, on moon if posited in 4th house, on sun if posited in 5th house, and on Mars in posited in 3rd house. Saturn in 3rd house deprives the native of the accumulation of cash money and kills the children of the native when posited in 5th house and 10th house is empty. It becomes highly benefic in 12th house if friendly planets are posited in 2nd house. Saturn provides very good results if placed in houses 1 to 7 on the condition that 10th house is empty. Saturn in 1st house and sun in 7th, 10th or 11th houses causes all sorts of troubles for native's wife. Combination of Mars and Saturn gives adverse results all through.
Saturn in 1st House
1st house is influenced by Sun and Mars. Saturn in 1st house will give good results only when 3rd, 7th or 10th houses are not inhabited by any planet which is inimical to Saturn. If Mercury or Venus, Rahu or Ketu is in 7th house, Saturn will always give good results. In case Saturn is malefic and the native has a hairy body, the native will remain poor. If native celebrates his birthday it will give very bad results However the native will have a long life.
(1) Abstinence from alcohol and non-vegetarian meals.
(2) Burying Surma in the ground will be beneficial for promotion in service and business.
(3) Serving monkey will lead to prosperity.
(4) Offering sweet milk to the roots of a banyan tree will give good results as regards education and health.
Saturn in 2nd House
The native will be wise, kind and just. He will enjoy wealth and will be of religious temperament. However, whether Saturn is benefic or malefic in this house, it will be decided by the planets placed in 8th house. The state of finance of the native will be decided by 7th house, the number of male members in the family by 6th house and age by 8th house. When Saturn is malefic in this house, after the native's marriage his in laws will face problems.
(1) Going barefoot to temple for forty three days.
(2) Putting a tilak of curd or milk on the forehead.
(3) Offering milk to snake.
Saturn in 3rd House
In this house Saturn gives good results. This house is the pukka Ghar of Mars. When Ketu aspects this house or is placed here Saturn will give very good results. The native will be healthy, wise and very intuitive. If the native is wealthy he will have few male members in the family and vice versa. As long as the native abstains from wine and non-vegetarianism, he will enjoy a long and healthy life.
(1) Serve three dogs.
(2) Distributing medicines for eyes free.
(3) Keeping a dark room in the house will prove highly beneficial.
Saturn in 4th House
This house belongs to Moon. So it will give mixed results in this house. The native will be devoted to his parents and will be of loving nature. Whenever the native is suffering from bad health, the use of things associated with Saturn will give good results. In native's family some one will be associated with medical profession.
When Saturn is malefic in this house drinking wine, killing of snakes and laying the foundation of the house at night will give very bad results. Drinking milk in the night will also give bad results.
(1) Offering milk to snake and offering milk or rice to crow or buffalo.
(2) Pouring milk in the well.
(3) Pouring rum in running water.
Saturn in 5th House
This house belongs to Sun, which is inimical to Saturn. The native will be proud. He should not construct a house till 48 years, otherwise his son will suffer. He should live in the house bought or constructed by his son. He should keep articles of Jupiter and Mars in his ancestral house for welfare of his children. If the native has hairy body, he will be dishonest.
(1) Distributing salty things while celebrating son's birthday.
(2) Offering almonds in the temple and bringing and keeping half of it in the house.
Saturn in 6th House
If the work related to Saturn is done at night it will always give beneficial results. When marriage takes place after 28 years it will produce good results. when Ketu is well placed the native will enjoy wealth, profitable journey and happiness from children. when Saturn is malefic bringing things associated with Saturn, like leather and things of iron, will give bad results, especially when Saturn is in 6th house in varshaphal
(1) Serving a black dog and offering meals to it.
(2) Offering coconut and almonds in the running water.
(3) Serving snakes will prove advantageous for the welfare of children.
Saturn in 7th House
This house is influenced by Mercury and Venus, both friends of Saturn. so this planet gives very good results in this house. The professions associated with Saturn, like machinery and iron, will be very profitable. If the native maintains good relation with his wife, he will be rich and prosperous, will enjoy a long life and good health. If Jupiter is in 1st house, there will be gain from government.
Saturn becomes malefic if the native commits adultery and drinks wine. If the native gets married after 22 years his eyesight will be affected adversely.
(1) Bury a flute filled with sugar in a deserted place.
(2) Serving black cow.
Saturn in 8th House
In 8th house no planet is considered auspicious. The native has a long life, but his father's life span is short and native's brothers turn out to be his foes. This house is considered headquarter of Saturn, but it will give bad result if Mercury, Rahu and Ketu are malefic in the native's horoscope.
(1) Keeping a square piece of silver.
(2) Putting milk in water and sitting on a stone or wood while taking bath.
Saturn in 9th House
Native will have three houses. He will be a successful tour operator or civil engineer. He will enjoy a long and happy life and parents also will have a happy life. Maintaining three generations will protect from the bad effects of Saturn. if the native is helpful to others Saturn will always give good results. The native will have a son, though he will be born late.
(1) Offering rice or almonds in running water.
(2) Work associated with Jupiter (gold, kesar) and Moon (silver, cloth) will give good results.
Saturn in 10th House
This is Saturn's own house, where it will give good results. The native will enjoy wealth and property as long as he does not get a house constructed. Native will be ambitious and enjoy favours from government. The native should behave with shrewdness and should do his work while sitting at one place; only then he will enjoy the benefits of Saturn.
(1) Going to temple.
(2) Abstinence from meat, wine and eggs.
(3) Offering food to ten blind people.
Saturn in 11th House
Native's fate will be decided at the age of forty eight years. The native will never remain childless. Native will earn money by shrewdness and deceit. Saturn will give good or bad results according to the position of Rahu and Ketu
(1) Before going for an important work place a vessel filled with water and drop oil or wine on earth for forty three days.
(2) Abstinence from drinking and maintaing good moral character.
Saturn in 12th House
Saturn gives good results in this house. Native will not have enemies. He will have many houses. His family and business will increase. He will be very rich. However Saturn will become malefic if the native starts drinking wine and becomes non-vegetarian, or if the dark room in the house is illuminated.
(1)Tying twelve almonds in a black cloth and placing it in a iron pot and keeping it in a dark room will give good results.
Sun and Its Remedies by Lal kitab
Sun Remedies by Lal kitab
1. The Sun as lord of the 5th, the Mercury as lord of the 3rd and 6th, the Jupiter as lord of the 9th and the Saturn as lord of the 10th are directly or indirectly in some form or the other are the Karakas of the father and his property. But the Jupiter and the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury or Jupiter and Saturn occupying any house jointly carry no relevance to the knowledge about father or father's property at all. Even Mercury and Sun, Mercury and Saturn or Sun and Saturn also sitting together behave in the same manner.
2. If two or more inimical planets are occupying a single house, they will not behave as enemies. But it does not mean that they do not affect the influences of each other and show their own results of being in that house independently i.e. their conjunction does not affect their individual results.
3. Friendly planets together occupying a house become extremely friendly and help each other in producing good and auspicious results.
4. The 7th house is regarded as the Pucca Ghar (permanent house) of Mercury. If Mercury is placed in the 7th house of a horoscope, even the powerful planets like Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn occupying a Kendra, 2nd or 11th house can not affect the health of the native adversely.
5. If a female planet is placed in any house along with Saturn and both are being aspected by any other planet, then the expecting planet will become afflicted and affect adversely the persons and relatives of such expecting planet as Karakas.
6. In general, all planets in their Pucca Ghar, own house or exalted house give good results. A planet in inimical house or in a house of debilitation gives bad results. If a planet is not placed in his Pucca Ghar and the same is occupied by a planet inimical to such planet, then that planet will destroy the good results of the house in which he stands placed.
7. While examining a horoscope, the 1st, 7th, 8th and 11th houses must be examined together as they are mutually interested. The planets in the ascendant is treated as a ruler and the one in the 7th acts as his minister. The planet in the 8th is the eye of that ruler, whereas the planet in the 11th house is the ruler's foot.
More planets in the 7th house than the 1st house shows that the ruler does not have required control over his minister. If the planets in the 11th house are inimical to the planets in the first house, then they will not obey the command of the ruler i.e., the results of the 11th house will be adversely affected.
The planets of the 8th house (eyes) guide the planets of the 7th house (minister) and control their actions and effects. If the planets of the 1st and 8th houses are friendly, then the planet in the 7th house can not play any mischief.
Mars in the 7th is considered to be highly conducive for gaining large property. But if Mercury is in the Lagna, it will destroy the properties. It will be destroyed because of the foolishness of the native, because here the Mercury being in the first house is Karaka of the native. At the same time if the Mercury is in the 8th house, it will again destroy the properties, but here the reasons for destination will be unknown and invisible, because the active elements of the 8th house are always secretive and mysterious in nature over which the native has no control.
Similarly, if the planets of the 1st and 11th houses destination are friendly, they will control the planets of the 7th house. If they are inimical, the results would be bad.
The planets of the 1st house aspect the planets of the 7th house. If they are mutually inimical, then the bad results accrue because of the foolishness or unworthiness of the native. The planets of the 8th house aspect the planets of the 2nd house and thereby affect their results.
8. 2nd, 6th, 8th, 12th and 11th houses must also be examined simultaneously as follows :
(a) The planets of the 8th house aspect the 2nd house and thereby affect the results of the 2nd house. The effects of the aspects of the planets of the 8th house over the 2nd house are affected by the planets of the 11th house - favourably if friendly and unfavourably if inimical.
(b) The planets of the 2nd house aspect the 6th house and affects its results. The planets of the 6th and 8th houses have secret relations with each other, because of which they also affect the planets of the 2nd house (+++).
(c) The 12th house also affects the 2nd house (+++). If there are evil planets in the 6th and 8th houses, (because of their secret/implied conjunction) their evil power increases 10 times.
(d) If the planets in the 12th and 8th houses are inimical, the native should not visit temples and other places of worship.
9. The 3rd, 11th, 5th, 9th and 10th houses must also be examined simultaneously as follows :
(a) If there is any planet in the 3rd house, it will start showing effects after the birth of the native's younger brother. If the 9th and 5th houses are occupied by Saturn Rahu or Ketu then the unfavourable changes start coming up in the native's life just after the birth of the child.
(b) If there are good planets in the 9th house and there is no planet in the 2nd house, the native remains deprived of all the benefits.
(c) If there is no planet in the 4th house, or it is occupied by Rahu, Ketu or Saturn, then the good results of the 10th house will not be received by the native. If 10th and 2nd houses are empty, the good results of the 4th house will go waste.
(d) If the 3rd and 9th houses are bad, the 5th will also prove bad.
(e) If the 9th is occupied by Sun or Moon, the 5th house will give good results.
(f) If the 9th is occupied by Sun or Moon, then Rahu or Ketu in the 5th will neither affect the issues of the native or the native himself adversely.
(g) If Rahu or Ketu be placed in the 5th and there are inimical planets in the 8th then strokes of misfortune will hit the native through the 11th house. The relatives indicated by the planets of the 5th and 8th houses will also be affected. In this situation the earnings of the native will also be affected very adversely, if the 2nd house is empty. Nothing will be able to save the native. Now the planets of the 10th and 5th will also turn to be malefic whatever be their natural character.
The author of Lal Kitab has enunciated such significant principles of astrology that stand well tested today and as such they are of utmost importance in our day to day life. In view of this, an effort is being made here to describe some unfailing principles and astrological precautions for the benefit of people at large.
Lal Kitab remedies are as follows:
To begin with, no temple with idols should be constructed even for individual worship in a residential house. However, keeping photos or drawings of deities on paper is not prohibited. This is highly inauspicious for the natives born with Jupiter in 7th house.
If there is a small dark room at the end of the house, where there is no passage for air or light, the same should be left as it is and no attempt should be made to facilitate natural light through opening windows etc. in that room otherwise, misfortunes will strike the residents.
Places where ornaments or money is kept secretly must not be left empty. If there is nothing to be kept, please put some dry fruits there.
There must necessarily be some uncemented place in a house. But if it is not feasible, the articles related to Venus must be installed and established therein.
Worship of lord Ganesh is highly auspicious for children and property.
For safe delivery of children, a milk pot filled with milk and a sugar pot filled with sugar must be touched by the delivering mother and kept at some different place. After the delivery both the pots should be offered to some temple and should not be brought back from there. Good effects will multiply if the quality of the pots is good.
If one's children do not survive the native must distribute salty preparations in place of sweets, to celebrate the birth of the child.
Digging of wells or providing drinking water facilities for public is strictly prohibited for those with moon in 6th house of the birth chart. Any violation of the above would invite utter destruction and extreme poverty.
Building of dharmshalas, sarais or inns is strictly prohibited for those having Saturn in 8th house.
Saturn in Lagna and Jupiter in 5th house cause death of children one after the other, if copper coins are given in charity.
Jupiter in 10th and moon in 4th cause false allegations and critical legal proceedings against the native if he builds temples or gurudwaras.
Financial aid to widows and scholarships to poor children are strictly prohibited for those having Venus in 9th house.
Grave consequences would folllow if a native with moon in 12th house opens schools for free education, or offers food to religious saints and Jogins.
Anyone having Jupiter in 7th house must not offer clothes to anyone in charity
Donations in the morning and evening hours by persons having Sun in 7th or 8th house of their horoscope will produce highly harmful and poisonous effects.
The younger brother should never go for adoption of children of the elder brother. At the same time he should also not arrange the free marriage of the daughter of his elder brother. These practices would certainly lead to disastrous consequences.
Saturn in 11th house makes the native desert his wife and children in young age, whereas Saturn in the groom's 2nd house proves inauspicious for the bride's family.
Mercury and Rahu combining in houses 3, 8, 9, or 12 of the groom is also inauspicious for the bride's family.
Venus and Ketu together in Lagna make the native impotent.
The groom is likely to be of bad sexual habits and may destroy his wealth in that, if the planetary positions are as follows:
(a) Sun in 6th and Mars in 10th with the afflicted 12th house.
(b) Moon in Lagna and Jupiter in 11th house.
(c) Jupiter and Venus in 10th house
1. The Sun as lord of the 5th, the Mercury as lord of the 3rd and 6th, the Jupiter as lord of the 9th and the Saturn as lord of the 10th are directly or indirectly in some form or the other are the Karakas of the father and his property. But the Jupiter and the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury or Jupiter and Saturn occupying any house jointly carry no relevance to the knowledge about father or father's property at all. Even Mercury and Sun, Mercury and Saturn or Sun and Saturn also sitting together behave in the same manner.
2. If two or more inimical planets are occupying a single house, they will not behave as enemies. But it does not mean that they do not affect the influences of each other and show their own results of being in that house independently i.e. their conjunction does not affect their individual results.
3. Friendly planets together occupying a house become extremely friendly and help each other in producing good and auspicious results.
4. The 7th house is regarded as the Pucca Ghar (permanent house) of Mercury. If Mercury is placed in the 7th house of a horoscope, even the powerful planets like Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn occupying a Kendra, 2nd or 11th house can not affect the health of the native adversely.
5. If a female planet is placed in any house along with Saturn and both are being aspected by any other planet, then the expecting planet will become afflicted and affect adversely the persons and relatives of such expecting planet as Karakas.
6. In general, all planets in their Pucca Ghar, own house or exalted house give good results. A planet in inimical house or in a house of debilitation gives bad results. If a planet is not placed in his Pucca Ghar and the same is occupied by a planet inimical to such planet, then that planet will destroy the good results of the house in which he stands placed.
7. While examining a horoscope, the 1st, 7th, 8th and 11th houses must be examined together as they are mutually interested. The planets in the ascendant is treated as a ruler and the one in the 7th acts as his minister. The planet in the 8th is the eye of that ruler, whereas the planet in the 11th house is the ruler's foot.
More planets in the 7th house than the 1st house shows that the ruler does not have required control over his minister. If the planets in the 11th house are inimical to the planets in the first house, then they will not obey the command of the ruler i.e., the results of the 11th house will be adversely affected.
The planets of the 8th house (eyes) guide the planets of the 7th house (minister) and control their actions and effects. If the planets of the 1st and 8th houses are friendly, then the planet in the 7th house can not play any mischief.
Mars in the 7th is considered to be highly conducive for gaining large property. But if Mercury is in the Lagna, it will destroy the properties. It will be destroyed because of the foolishness of the native, because here the Mercury being in the first house is Karaka of the native. At the same time if the Mercury is in the 8th house, it will again destroy the properties, but here the reasons for destination will be unknown and invisible, because the active elements of the 8th house are always secretive and mysterious in nature over which the native has no control.
Similarly, if the planets of the 1st and 11th houses destination are friendly, they will control the planets of the 7th house. If they are inimical, the results would be bad.
The planets of the 1st house aspect the planets of the 7th house. If they are mutually inimical, then the bad results accrue because of the foolishness or unworthiness of the native. The planets of the 8th house aspect the planets of the 2nd house and thereby affect their results.
8. 2nd, 6th, 8th, 12th and 11th houses must also be examined simultaneously as follows :
(a) The planets of the 8th house aspect the 2nd house and thereby affect the results of the 2nd house. The effects of the aspects of the planets of the 8th house over the 2nd house are affected by the planets of the 11th house - favourably if friendly and unfavourably if inimical.
(b) The planets of the 2nd house aspect the 6th house and affects its results. The planets of the 6th and 8th houses have secret relations with each other, because of which they also affect the planets of the 2nd house (+++).
(c) The 12th house also affects the 2nd house (+++). If there are evil planets in the 6th and 8th houses, (because of their secret/implied conjunction) their evil power increases 10 times.
(d) If the planets in the 12th and 8th houses are inimical, the native should not visit temples and other places of worship.
9. The 3rd, 11th, 5th, 9th and 10th houses must also be examined simultaneously as follows :
(a) If there is any planet in the 3rd house, it will start showing effects after the birth of the native's younger brother. If the 9th and 5th houses are occupied by Saturn Rahu or Ketu then the unfavourable changes start coming up in the native's life just after the birth of the child.
(b) If there are good planets in the 9th house and there is no planet in the 2nd house, the native remains deprived of all the benefits.
(c) If there is no planet in the 4th house, or it is occupied by Rahu, Ketu or Saturn, then the good results of the 10th house will not be received by the native. If 10th and 2nd houses are empty, the good results of the 4th house will go waste.
(d) If the 3rd and 9th houses are bad, the 5th will also prove bad.
(e) If the 9th is occupied by Sun or Moon, the 5th house will give good results.
(f) If the 9th is occupied by Sun or Moon, then Rahu or Ketu in the 5th will neither affect the issues of the native or the native himself adversely.
(g) If Rahu or Ketu be placed in the 5th and there are inimical planets in the 8th then strokes of misfortune will hit the native through the 11th house. The relatives indicated by the planets of the 5th and 8th houses will also be affected. In this situation the earnings of the native will also be affected very adversely, if the 2nd house is empty. Nothing will be able to save the native. Now the planets of the 10th and 5th will also turn to be malefic whatever be their natural character.
The author of Lal Kitab has enunciated such significant principles of astrology that stand well tested today and as such they are of utmost importance in our day to day life. In view of this, an effort is being made here to describe some unfailing principles and astrological precautions for the benefit of people at large.
Lal Kitab remedies are as follows:
To begin with, no temple with idols should be constructed even for individual worship in a residential house. However, keeping photos or drawings of deities on paper is not prohibited. This is highly inauspicious for the natives born with Jupiter in 7th house.
If there is a small dark room at the end of the house, where there is no passage for air or light, the same should be left as it is and no attempt should be made to facilitate natural light through opening windows etc. in that room otherwise, misfortunes will strike the residents.
Places where ornaments or money is kept secretly must not be left empty. If there is nothing to be kept, please put some dry fruits there.
There must necessarily be some uncemented place in a house. But if it is not feasible, the articles related to Venus must be installed and established therein.
Worship of lord Ganesh is highly auspicious for children and property.
For safe delivery of children, a milk pot filled with milk and a sugar pot filled with sugar must be touched by the delivering mother and kept at some different place. After the delivery both the pots should be offered to some temple and should not be brought back from there. Good effects will multiply if the quality of the pots is good.
If one's children do not survive the native must distribute salty preparations in place of sweets, to celebrate the birth of the child.
Digging of wells or providing drinking water facilities for public is strictly prohibited for those with moon in 6th house of the birth chart. Any violation of the above would invite utter destruction and extreme poverty.
Building of dharmshalas, sarais or inns is strictly prohibited for those having Saturn in 8th house.
Saturn in Lagna and Jupiter in 5th house cause death of children one after the other, if copper coins are given in charity.
Jupiter in 10th and moon in 4th cause false allegations and critical legal proceedings against the native if he builds temples or gurudwaras.
Financial aid to widows and scholarships to poor children are strictly prohibited for those having Venus in 9th house.
Grave consequences would folllow if a native with moon in 12th house opens schools for free education, or offers food to religious saints and Jogins.
Anyone having Jupiter in 7th house must not offer clothes to anyone in charity
Donations in the morning and evening hours by persons having Sun in 7th or 8th house of their horoscope will produce highly harmful and poisonous effects.
The younger brother should never go for adoption of children of the elder brother. At the same time he should also not arrange the free marriage of the daughter of his elder brother. These practices would certainly lead to disastrous consequences.
Saturn in 11th house makes the native desert his wife and children in young age, whereas Saturn in the groom's 2nd house proves inauspicious for the bride's family.
Mercury and Rahu combining in houses 3, 8, 9, or 12 of the groom is also inauspicious for the bride's family.
Venus and Ketu together in Lagna make the native impotent.
The groom is likely to be of bad sexual habits and may destroy his wealth in that, if the planetary positions are as follows:
(a) Sun in 6th and Mars in 10th with the afflicted 12th house.
(b) Moon in Lagna and Jupiter in 11th house.
(c) Jupiter and Venus in 10th house
Lal Kitab Remedies for Ketu
Ketu Remedies for Lal Kitab
LAL KITAB has its own fundamentals which are undoubtedly effective and practiced at large. However, LAL KITAB is scientific in nature, and relates well to the concept of palmistry. LAL KITAB refers to the correlation between human brain, the twelve houses and palm lines.
The remedies of Lal Kitab are different from those of Havans and Tantras. It does not recommend you to wear stones etc. They are highly scientific and effective. These remedies solve all kinds of problems related to day-to-day lives and have already brought change to millions of lives.
Lal Kitab Remedies for Ketu
Remedies for Ketu if it is in the first house are as follows-
(1) Feed Jaggery to a monkey.
(2) Offer a black and white blanket (i.e. of two colors)as alms to a temple.
(4) Keep tied a white or silver-woven thread to both thumbs of the feet.
(5) Practice celibacy.
(6) Put a kesar tilak.
Remedies for Ketu when it is in the second house are -
(1) Maintain the purity and integrity of character.
(2) Put kesar tilak on forehead.
(3) Visit a temple everyday.
Remedies for Ketu when it is in the third house are as follows-
(1) Wear gold in the ears.
(2) Serve the old.
(3) Put kesar tilak on the forehead.
(4) Flow Jaggery in the water.
(5) Enjoy sweet and warm relationship with elder brothers.
(6) Put kesar on the tongue.
Remedies for Ketu if it is in the fourth house are -
(1) Drink milk when it is extinguished.
(2) Flow yellow lemon in the water.
(3) Rear a dog.
(4) Wear silver ornament.
Remedies for Ketu when it is in the fifth house are as follows-
(1) Flow milk, rice, desi khaand and Aniseed in the river.
(2) Respect father and grandfather.
(3) Offer shradh to an ancestor.
(4) Take blessing from girl-child.
(5) Put kesar tilak.
(6) Give the things of Jupiter to a Brahmin.
Remedies for Ketu if it is in the sixth house are -
(1) Have a pet dog.
(2) Offer a black and white blanket at a temple.
(3) Wear a gold bangle in the left hand.
(4) Take kesar-mixed milk.
Remedies for Ketu when it is in the seventh house are as follows-
(1) Speak sweet and good.
(2) Keep promises.
Remedies for Ketu if it is in the eighth house are -
(1) Rear a dog.
(2) Offer a black and white blanket to some temple.
(3) Wear gold in the ears.
(4) Keep the purity and integrity of character.
Remedies for Ketu if it is in the ninth house are as follows-
(1) Wear gold and keep it at home as well.
(2) Rear a pet dog.
(3) Respect father and grandfather.
Remedies for Ketu when it is in the tenth house are-
(1) Keep honey at home in a silver vessel.
(2) Don’t construct house till 48.
(3) Avoid extra-marital relationship.
(4) Keep the purity and integrity of character.
Remedies for Ketu when it is in the eleventh house are as follows-
(1) Take milk after it is extinguished.
(2) Have a black pet dog.
(3) Put reddish by the bed-side of your wife at night and offer it at the temple in the morning.
(4) Take kesar-mixed milk.
Remedies for Ketu if it is in the twelfth house are as follows-
(1) Rear a pet dog, and if it dies unfortunately, have another.
Practice the remedies of Ketu in Lal-Kitab, and get immediate benefit.
(1) Practice one of the remedies at one time.
(2) Practice the remedy maximum for 43 days and minimum for 40 days.
(3) Practice the remedies fully. If there occur any interruption, resume it again.
(4) Perform the remedy from sun-rise to sun-set.
(5) Remedies can also be practiced by some kin i .e. brother, father or son etc
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LAL KITAB has its own fundamentals which are undoubtedly effective and practiced at large. However, LAL KITAB is scientific in nature, and relates well to the concept of palmistry. LAL KITAB refers to the correlation between human brain, the twelve houses and palm lines.
The remedies of Lal Kitab are different from those of Havans and Tantras. It does not recommend you to wear stones etc. They are highly scientific and effective. These remedies solve all kinds of problems related to day-to-day lives and have already brought change to millions of lives.
Lal Kitab Remedies for Ketu
Remedies for Ketu if it is in the first house are as follows-
(1) Feed Jaggery to a monkey.
(2) Offer a black and white blanket (i.e. of two colors)as alms to a temple.
(4) Keep tied a white or silver-woven thread to both thumbs of the feet.
(5) Practice celibacy.
(6) Put a kesar tilak.
Remedies for Ketu when it is in the second house are -
(1) Maintain the purity and integrity of character.
(2) Put kesar tilak on forehead.
(3) Visit a temple everyday.
Remedies for Ketu when it is in the third house are as follows-
(1) Wear gold in the ears.
(2) Serve the old.
(3) Put kesar tilak on the forehead.
(4) Flow Jaggery in the water.
(5) Enjoy sweet and warm relationship with elder brothers.
(6) Put kesar on the tongue.
Remedies for Ketu if it is in the fourth house are -
(1) Drink milk when it is extinguished.
(2) Flow yellow lemon in the water.
(3) Rear a dog.
(4) Wear silver ornament.
Remedies for Ketu when it is in the fifth house are as follows-
(1) Flow milk, rice, desi khaand and Aniseed in the river.
(2) Respect father and grandfather.
(3) Offer shradh to an ancestor.
(4) Take blessing from girl-child.
(5) Put kesar tilak.
(6) Give the things of Jupiter to a Brahmin.
Remedies for Ketu if it is in the sixth house are -
(1) Have a pet dog.
(2) Offer a black and white blanket at a temple.
(3) Wear a gold bangle in the left hand.
(4) Take kesar-mixed milk.
Remedies for Ketu when it is in the seventh house are as follows-
(1) Speak sweet and good.
(2) Keep promises.
Remedies for Ketu if it is in the eighth house are -
(1) Rear a dog.
(2) Offer a black and white blanket to some temple.
(3) Wear gold in the ears.
(4) Keep the purity and integrity of character.
Remedies for Ketu if it is in the ninth house are as follows-
(1) Wear gold and keep it at home as well.
(2) Rear a pet dog.
(3) Respect father and grandfather.
Remedies for Ketu when it is in the tenth house are-
(1) Keep honey at home in a silver vessel.
(2) Don’t construct house till 48.
(3) Avoid extra-marital relationship.
(4) Keep the purity and integrity of character.
Remedies for Ketu when it is in the eleventh house are as follows-
(1) Take milk after it is extinguished.
(2) Have a black pet dog.
(3) Put reddish by the bed-side of your wife at night and offer it at the temple in the morning.
(4) Take kesar-mixed milk.
Remedies for Ketu if it is in the twelfth house are as follows-
(1) Rear a pet dog, and if it dies unfortunately, have another.
Practice the remedies of Ketu in Lal-Kitab, and get immediate benefit.
(1) Practice one of the remedies at one time.
(2) Practice the remedy maximum for 43 days and minimum for 40 days.
(3) Practice the remedies fully. If there occur any interruption, resume it again.
(4) Perform the remedy from sun-rise to sun-set.
(5) Remedies can also be practiced by some kin i .e. brother, father or son etc
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Shani SadeSati Dhaiya Remedies
ShaniSadeSati Dhaiya Remedies
Everybody knows that we need power, stamina and wisdom to achieve success in everything that we do in our lives. It’s impossible to even think about the success if these three factors are not there. These factors i.e. power, stamina and wisdom are ruled by Venus, Mars and Jupiter respectively. But do you know that success can still be a far off thing even if these three factors are present? The reason is fate, luck. If luck is not on your side, even these three factors coming together are of not much use. Lord Krishna gave this world the philosophy of Karma and was himself a big believer in Karma. In the 18th chapter of Gita, he has explained in detail the importance of power, stamina and wisdom along with luck. In shloka 14, Krishna says:
Meaning that among these three supreme powers, most important is luck. And it is ruled by Lord Shani. This is why Shani is known as ‘God of fate’. Here we will know more about this supremely powerful Shani.
Shani Dev is responsible for giving results based on man’s karma. He works as an impartial judge. He holds no grudge against anybody but has no love for anyone either. People who don’t know much about all these things should simply know that Shanidev makes no differentiation while delivering justice. He punishes without any inhibition and even his rewards are unexpected- he will give more than what one would have hoped for. This is the reason that during Sadhe Sati, some people succeed so much that it bewilders even them. The feared sadhe sati makes somebody touch the pinnacle while for some others, it’s vice-versa- they come down from their much-vaunted position. This is how Shanidev functions.
Shani Mahamantra:
Among nine planets, Saturn is ranked as sewak - the service giver. Shani is also known as ‘Sorrow of Kalpurush’. No one in this universe can escape him, better to say there is no one on this earth who does not fear him. We get to know about the upcoming happiness by looking at Venus’s position in the birth chart, and to know about the difficulties, the distress, position of Shani tells us everything. He lives for two and half years in every zodiac sign and rules west direction. In astrology, he is considered neuter. He is an air-based planet as well. Venus and Mercury are his friends among the other planets while Shani is at loggerheads with Sun, Moon and Mars. Jupiter is his Sam graha.
Shani is very slow moving. He derives his name from Sanskrit word shanaih-shanaih, which means slowly. He stays for two and half years in every zodiac sign and as we all know, there are twelve signs. Therefore, it takes thirty years for Shani to go round all these houses.
Sade Sati
With the advent of 12th Saturn from birth sign, Sadhe sati starts. This is the first stage. Shani stays here for two and half years and then changes sign. It reaches the first house of birth sign which is the second stage of sadhe sati. Again after two and half years, it changes sign which is the third and final stage and the sadhe sati ends. In other words, when Shani travels from twelfth to first and then to second house from the birth sign, it takes him about seven and half years and it is known as Sadhe sati of Shani.
Coming to twelfth house from Aries, Pisces, Aries and Taurus are said to be the first, second and third stages of sadhe sati. In this sequence, signs are counted as Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
When lord of fourth or eighth Shani comes under the birth sign comes, it is known as Laghu Kalyani or Dairuya. It is also thought of as equivalent to sadhe sati. Scholars consider Shani as harbinger of grief. It really puts you under a lot of distress initially but as with the Gold, which gets its luster after burning in fire, Shani also takes you into happier days.
It is Moon which rules our hearts. In the above mentioned positions of Shani, he directly affects our hearts. We undergo a lot of duress. Generally, it is believed that if sadhe sati comes with other planets also not in favorable positions, it gives more problems. On the other hand, if other planets are favorably placed, sadhe sati is less problematic. Moon placed in second, sixth, eighth or expenditure-related signs, Shani’s affects are more joy. Moon in seventh sign during sadhe sati is problematic as well.
In one round spanning thirty years, twelve years are dedicated to sadhe sati and dhaiya, which can never be counted as pleasant periods in life. In houses 3-6-8-12 from Moon, Shani gives good results or if it’s in trine houses it’s called benefic, and called directionally powerful if it’s in seventh house, or if it signifies tenth house, Saturn is believed to bestow the native with good results in these houses.
According to Phal Deepika’s author Mantreshwar, when shani is the birth sign, it brings loss of money and unnecessary anger, leading to diseases. Varah Mihir opines that in such a scenario, poisoning or fire accidents can be expected. Close and dear ones would leave you and you would have no choice but to wander around. Sources of income dry up and even your wife and kids would leave you alone. Life loses its direction, becomes meaningless.
Sadhe sati moves around our body differently at its different stages. Its movement is as below…
1. At its first stage when it is moving from Moon to twelth bhava, it is either at head or eyes.
2. At its second stage, when it is in the birth sign, Shani is at heart, bringing a lot of worries, tension and fears.
3. At its third stage, when it is in second bhava from birth sign, it moves with our legs.
Measures to get rid of sadhe sati
1. Reading Sundar Kand
2. Reading Hanuman Chalisa
3. Mahamrityunjaya, shani strot, shani mantra
4. Giving coconut and peanuts in temples
5. Giving away things like sesame, oil, blanket or articles made of iron
6. Avoid non vegetarian food
7. Feeding lentil to fishes
8. Put a ring in the middle finger made of horse’s naal or a boat’s nail.
9. Take a Peepal leaf. Put vermillion, sesame over it. Light a diya of mustard oil and place them under a Peepal tree before sun rise. Do the same for seven consecutive Saturdays.
10. Keep a square-shaped silver piece in your pocket
11. Give food to black dogs
12. Wear a silver ring in the left hand.
Give food to hungry people near a temple. If you are rich enough, give food in lieu of each family member to different people. Read Shani Chalisa as many times as you can. Give your own old clothes to poor and pray that his/her good wishes lessen your problems.
Cook things made of lentil, sesame, sugar and offer it first to Shani Dev and then to Cow, Crow and dogs. Eat it as Prasad yourself and distribute among family members as well.
Donation: Donate things which Shani likes, like Lentil, Sesame, oil, iron-made articles, salt, coins, black clothes, blanket, shoes, umbrella etc. and do it in the numerals of 8- meaning 8 kg, 8 liter etc.
To keep Shani Dev happy, let a lamp of mustard oil alighted all through the day in your house.
Everybody knows that we need power, stamina and wisdom to achieve success in everything that we do in our lives. It’s impossible to even think about the success if these three factors are not there. These factors i.e. power, stamina and wisdom are ruled by Venus, Mars and Jupiter respectively. But do you know that success can still be a far off thing even if these three factors are present? The reason is fate, luck. If luck is not on your side, even these three factors coming together are of not much use. Lord Krishna gave this world the philosophy of Karma and was himself a big believer in Karma. In the 18th chapter of Gita, he has explained in detail the importance of power, stamina and wisdom along with luck. In shloka 14, Krishna says:
Meaning that among these three supreme powers, most important is luck. And it is ruled by Lord Shani. This is why Shani is known as ‘God of fate’. Here we will know more about this supremely powerful Shani.
Shani Dev is responsible for giving results based on man’s karma. He works as an impartial judge. He holds no grudge against anybody but has no love for anyone either. People who don’t know much about all these things should simply know that Shanidev makes no differentiation while delivering justice. He punishes without any inhibition and even his rewards are unexpected- he will give more than what one would have hoped for. This is the reason that during Sadhe Sati, some people succeed so much that it bewilders even them. The feared sadhe sati makes somebody touch the pinnacle while for some others, it’s vice-versa- they come down from their much-vaunted position. This is how Shanidev functions.
Shani Mahamantra:
Among nine planets, Saturn is ranked as sewak - the service giver. Shani is also known as ‘Sorrow of Kalpurush’. No one in this universe can escape him, better to say there is no one on this earth who does not fear him. We get to know about the upcoming happiness by looking at Venus’s position in the birth chart, and to know about the difficulties, the distress, position of Shani tells us everything. He lives for two and half years in every zodiac sign and rules west direction. In astrology, he is considered neuter. He is an air-based planet as well. Venus and Mercury are his friends among the other planets while Shani is at loggerheads with Sun, Moon and Mars. Jupiter is his Sam graha.
Shani is very slow moving. He derives his name from Sanskrit word shanaih-shanaih, which means slowly. He stays for two and half years in every zodiac sign and as we all know, there are twelve signs. Therefore, it takes thirty years for Shani to go round all these houses.
Sade Sati
With the advent of 12th Saturn from birth sign, Sadhe sati starts. This is the first stage. Shani stays here for two and half years and then changes sign. It reaches the first house of birth sign which is the second stage of sadhe sati. Again after two and half years, it changes sign which is the third and final stage and the sadhe sati ends. In other words, when Shani travels from twelfth to first and then to second house from the birth sign, it takes him about seven and half years and it is known as Sadhe sati of Shani.
Coming to twelfth house from Aries, Pisces, Aries and Taurus are said to be the first, second and third stages of sadhe sati. In this sequence, signs are counted as Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
When lord of fourth or eighth Shani comes under the birth sign comes, it is known as Laghu Kalyani or Dairuya. It is also thought of as equivalent to sadhe sati. Scholars consider Shani as harbinger of grief. It really puts you under a lot of distress initially but as with the Gold, which gets its luster after burning in fire, Shani also takes you into happier days.
It is Moon which rules our hearts. In the above mentioned positions of Shani, he directly affects our hearts. We undergo a lot of duress. Generally, it is believed that if sadhe sati comes with other planets also not in favorable positions, it gives more problems. On the other hand, if other planets are favorably placed, sadhe sati is less problematic. Moon placed in second, sixth, eighth or expenditure-related signs, Shani’s affects are more joy. Moon in seventh sign during sadhe sati is problematic as well.
In one round spanning thirty years, twelve years are dedicated to sadhe sati and dhaiya, which can never be counted as pleasant periods in life. In houses 3-6-8-12 from Moon, Shani gives good results or if it’s in trine houses it’s called benefic, and called directionally powerful if it’s in seventh house, or if it signifies tenth house, Saturn is believed to bestow the native with good results in these houses.
According to Phal Deepika’s author Mantreshwar, when shani is the birth sign, it brings loss of money and unnecessary anger, leading to diseases. Varah Mihir opines that in such a scenario, poisoning or fire accidents can be expected. Close and dear ones would leave you and you would have no choice but to wander around. Sources of income dry up and even your wife and kids would leave you alone. Life loses its direction, becomes meaningless.
Sadhe sati moves around our body differently at its different stages. Its movement is as below…
1. At its first stage when it is moving from Moon to twelth bhava, it is either at head or eyes.
2. At its second stage, when it is in the birth sign, Shani is at heart, bringing a lot of worries, tension and fears.
3. At its third stage, when it is in second bhava from birth sign, it moves with our legs.
Measures to get rid of sadhe sati
1. Reading Sundar Kand
2. Reading Hanuman Chalisa
3. Mahamrityunjaya, shani strot, shani mantra
4. Giving coconut and peanuts in temples
5. Giving away things like sesame, oil, blanket or articles made of iron
6. Avoid non vegetarian food
7. Feeding lentil to fishes
8. Put a ring in the middle finger made of horse’s naal or a boat’s nail.
9. Take a Peepal leaf. Put vermillion, sesame over it. Light a diya of mustard oil and place them under a Peepal tree before sun rise. Do the same for seven consecutive Saturdays.
10. Keep a square-shaped silver piece in your pocket
11. Give food to black dogs
12. Wear a silver ring in the left hand.
Give food to hungry people near a temple. If you are rich enough, give food in lieu of each family member to different people. Read Shani Chalisa as many times as you can. Give your own old clothes to poor and pray that his/her good wishes lessen your problems.
Cook things made of lentil, sesame, sugar and offer it first to Shani Dev and then to Cow, Crow and dogs. Eat it as Prasad yourself and distribute among family members as well.
Donation: Donate things which Shani likes, like Lentil, Sesame, oil, iron-made articles, salt, coins, black clothes, blanket, shoes, umbrella etc. and do it in the numerals of 8- meaning 8 kg, 8 liter etc.
To keep Shani Dev happy, let a lamp of mustard oil alighted all through the day in your house.
मंगलवार, 18 मई 2010
Lal Kitab Remedies for RAHU Dasha
RAHU Remedies from Lal Kitab
Remedies of Rahu in the First House:
* 1. Wear silver neck piece.
* 2. Dip barley in milk and float it in running water.
* 3. Keep fennel beside your pillow while sleeping at night.
* 4. Donate jaggery, wheat and bronze.
Remedies of Rahu in the Second House
* 1. Keep a solid piece of silver with you.
* 2. Float 2 kgs of coins in running water.
* 3. Wear a bullet of silver in your neck.
* 4. Do not set a temple in your house.
Remedies of Rahu in the Third House
* 1. Do not keep any elephant toy at home.
* 2. Do not keep ivory in your house.
Remedies of Rahu in the Fourth House
* 1. Take bath in the Ganges.
* 2. Keep pieces of silver in white cloth with you.
* 3. Dip barley in milk and float it in running water
* 4. Take care of your mother.
Remedies of Rahu in the Fifth House
* 1. Do not keep ivory in your house.
* 2. Drink water from the silver bowl
* 3. Have your food in the kitchen.
* 4. Marry your wife once again.
* 5. Brush your teeth with kikar.
* 6. Bring sweetness in your voice.
Remedies of Rahu in the Sixth House
* 1. Keep a black dog.
* 2. Keep your brother with you.
* 3. Keep a coin with you.
* 4. Avoid liquor, egg and meat.
Remedies of Rahu in the Seventh House
* 1. Keep a square shaped piece of silver in your pocket.
* 2. Keep a dog.
* 3. Do not get involved in partnership business with anyone.
* 4. Float four bottles of liquor in running water.
* 5. Float barley of same quantity as your own weight after dipping in milk.
Remedies of Rahu in the Eighth House
* 1. Keep a square shaped piece of silver with you.
* 2. Keep unrefined sugar and fennel beside your pillow at night.
* 3. Do not get involved in immoral activities.
* 4. Do not get involved in the business of electronic items.
* 5. Float a coin in water.
* 6. Donate almonds in temple and keep half of them in your house and later float them in running water.
Remedies of Rahu in the Ninth House
* 1. Be with your father and take care of him.
* 2. Earn honestly.
* 3. Keep a dog.
* 4. Maintain good relationships with your in-laws.
* 5. Do not give blue or black clothes to anyone.
* 6. Do not take electronic items free of cost.
* 7. Obey your duties.
Remedies of Rahu in Tenth House
* 1. Always cover your head.
* 2. Avoid liquor, egg and meat.
* 3. Do not drink milk at night.
* 4. Feed blinds with your own hands.
Remedies of Rahu in the Eleventh House
* 1. Avoid liquor, egg and meat.
* 2. Take care of your father and support him.
* 3. Keep gold with you.
* 4. Float barley, coin, and coconut in running water.
* 5. Donate money among poors.
* 6. Do not wear and keep blue clothes with you.
* 7. Wear bangle, ring or chain of iron.
* 8. Visit temple regularly.
Remedies of Rahu in the Twelfth House
* 1. Avoid any sort of addiction.
* 2. Keep fennel or unrefined sugar by your pillow at night.
* 3. Have your food in the kitchen.
Hence, these all are the remedies of Rahu in Lal kitab. It will be beneficial for you if you follow them.
1. Follow one remedy at one time
2. Follow them for maximum 40 to 43 days.
3. Follow them regularly, if you miss once start again.
4. These remedies should be performed between sunrise to sunset.
5. These remedies can also be performed by your father, son and brother.
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