RAHU Remedies from Lal Kitab
Remedies of Rahu in the First House:
* 1. Wear silver neck piece.
* 2. Dip barley in milk and float it in running water.
* 3. Keep fennel beside your pillow while sleeping at night.
* 4. Donate jaggery, wheat and bronze.
Remedies of Rahu in the Second House
* 1. Keep a solid piece of silver with you.
* 2. Float 2 kgs of coins in running water.
* 3. Wear a bullet of silver in your neck.
* 4. Do not set a temple in your house.
Remedies of Rahu in the Third House
* 1. Do not keep any elephant toy at home.
* 2. Do not keep ivory in your house.
Remedies of Rahu in the Fourth House
* 1. Take bath in the Ganges.
* 2. Keep pieces of silver in white cloth with you.
* 3. Dip barley in milk and float it in running water
* 4. Take care of your mother.
Remedies of Rahu in the Fifth House
* 1. Do not keep ivory in your house.
* 2. Drink water from the silver bowl
* 3. Have your food in the kitchen.
* 4. Marry your wife once again.
* 5. Brush your teeth with kikar.
* 6. Bring sweetness in your voice.
Remedies of Rahu in the Sixth House
* 1. Keep a black dog.
* 2. Keep your brother with you.
* 3. Keep a coin with you.
* 4. Avoid liquor, egg and meat.
Remedies of Rahu in the Seventh House
* 1. Keep a square shaped piece of silver in your pocket.
* 2. Keep a dog.
* 3. Do not get involved in partnership business with anyone.
* 4. Float four bottles of liquor in running water.
* 5. Float barley of same quantity as your own weight after dipping in milk.
Remedies of Rahu in the Eighth House
* 1. Keep a square shaped piece of silver with you.
* 2. Keep unrefined sugar and fennel beside your pillow at night.
* 3. Do not get involved in immoral activities.
* 4. Do not get involved in the business of electronic items.
* 5. Float a coin in water.
* 6. Donate almonds in temple and keep half of them in your house and later float them in running water.
Remedies of Rahu in the Ninth House
* 1. Be with your father and take care of him.
* 2. Earn honestly.
* 3. Keep a dog.
* 4. Maintain good relationships with your in-laws.
* 5. Do not give blue or black clothes to anyone.
* 6. Do not take electronic items free of cost.
* 7. Obey your duties.
Remedies of Rahu in Tenth House
* 1. Always cover your head.
* 2. Avoid liquor, egg and meat.
* 3. Do not drink milk at night.
* 4. Feed blinds with your own hands.
Remedies of Rahu in the Eleventh House
* 1. Avoid liquor, egg and meat.
* 2. Take care of your father and support him.
* 3. Keep gold with you.
* 4. Float barley, coin, and coconut in running water.
* 5. Donate money among poors.
* 6. Do not wear and keep blue clothes with you.
* 7. Wear bangle, ring or chain of iron.
* 8. Visit temple regularly.
Remedies of Rahu in the Twelfth House
* 1. Avoid any sort of addiction.
* 2. Keep fennel or unrefined sugar by your pillow at night.
* 3. Have your food in the kitchen.
Hence, these all are the remedies of Rahu in Lal kitab. It will be beneficial for you if you follow them.
1. Follow one remedy at one time
2. Follow them for maximum 40 to 43 days.
3. Follow them regularly, if you miss once start again.
4. These remedies should be performed between sunrise to sunset.
5. These remedies can also be performed by your father, son and brother.
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